Recovering her love (Eng/Esp)



Enriqueta keeps her eyes closed while holding a cup of hot coffee in her sun-tanned hands. Her skin is dry, and her nails are very short because of her habit of eating them. Since she was a child, she has had it as a way to reduce anxiety and fear.

The people who have attended her father's wake and burial walk from one side of the house to the other, while they talk and eat. Her neighbor, Mrs. Julia, and her aunt, Luisa, have helped her with the food. It has always seemed to her a strange custom to have a banquet in these circumstances, as if celebrating death.

And on her face, she smiles because, leaving aside her sadness, Enriqueta feels joy and peace for the first time in her thirty years of life. How ironic, I think, if I am celebrating his death.

"Enriqueta come daughter, Father Joaquin is going to say a few words". Her aunt has always been very affectionate with her, and she is grateful; the only gestures of love she remembers came from her.

All of us present knew Don Pedro, a very religious, honest and charitable member of our community. He was a man of integrity who loved his family.

The words in tribute to her father continued as Enriqueta looked at her reflection in the mirror in the large living room of the house. His oval, dark face had large, sad green eyes. Her long brown hair combed carelessly, with a few strands falling over her forehead. Her long black dress ungracefully covered her slender body.

He did not like the way she looked. A woman who had lost her femininity, her value as a person, and her strength. She was like a being without feelings or emotions, whom life carried like a leaf in the wind. That's how she felt, that was going to change.

Her father always treated her as an inferior being. He was upset with her mother when she was born, he was expecting a boy and couldn't have one. For him, women were in life to serve. He took revenge on her and her mother, who was a weak woman, used to obey her husband and who never defended her. But she now understood her and had forgiven her.

She became a sad girl, without friends, locked up in a sad house. There were no expressions of love, only abuse, and the verbal abuse was the most terrible because it affected her soul, making her more and more lonely, closed in on herself.

She cared for her mother until she died and then for her father who, even in her illness, did not soften his harshness.
Until his last breath he was despot with her.

The days went by with the tranquility of the silence of the corridors. In her room Enriqueta tries on several clothes, it is time to leave the mourning, it is a hypocrisy, to keep up appearances, she thinks while she combs her hair that she now wears over her shoulders.

"How about Aunt Luisa?" and she models a wide-skirted, apple-green, sleeveless dress, leaving her shapely arms uncovered.

"You look beautiful dear niece!. But you plan to go out dressed like that. Are you going to give up mourning?

"I decided to leave it aunt and I'm going out. I want to go to the city and see the people. I'm like butterflies when they come out of the chrysalis and can fly. They shimmer in the sunlight and the colors of their wings glow and they don't stop flying until they find that flower to quench their thirst. The sweet nectar of love."

"It is very true what you say, and I agree with you dear Enriqueta. Take advantage of every moment of your life. Now what you decide to do is only up to you."

And she felt beautiful first on the outside and then inside, where her love for herself grew. She gave herself to work on the land she inherited from her parents. She liked doing it and enjoyed it. But there was something she wanted and had not yet found, a man to love, to share her life with.

And so Enriqueta had been searching for years for her soul mate and found her one afternoon when she was waiting for it to stop raining, sitting at a table in a downtown coffee shop.

With her eyes closed and a cup of hot coffee in her hands, she felt her presence and heard her voice.

"Good afternoon, ma'am! May I sit here and join you?"

She opened her big green eyes and knew when she saw him standing in front of her that the wait was over.

Here is my participation to the S&S Invitational: Feminine Edition,organized by @grocko and @kemmby. Thank you for reading.


Versión en Español

Recuperando su amor

Enriqueta mantiene sus ojos cerrados mientras sostiene una taza de café caliente en sus manos curtidas por el sol. Su piel esta reseca, con las uñas muy cortas por la costumbre de comerselas. Desde niña la ha tenido, es una manera de disminuir la ansiedad y el miedo.

Las personas que han asistido al velorio y entierro de su padre caminan de un lado a otro de la casa, mientras conversan y comen. Su vecina la Sra Julia y su tía Luisa la han ayudado con la comida. Siempre le ha parecido una costumbre extraña hacer un banquete en estas circunstancias como si se celebrara la muerte.

Y en su rostro esboza una sonrisa porque dejando a un lado la tristeza, Enriqueta siente alegría y paz por primera vez en sus treinta años de vida. Qué ironía piensa yo si estoy celebrando que el haya muerto.

Enriqueta ven hija, el padre Joaquín va a decir unas palabras. Su tía siempre ha sido muy cariñosa con elloa y se lo agradece, los únicos gestos de amor que recuerda vinieron de ella.

Todos los presentes conocíamos a Don Pedro, un miembro muy religioso, honesto y caritativo de nuestra comunidad. Un hombre íntegro que amo a su familia.

Las palabras en homenaje a su padre continuaron mientras Enriqueta miraba su reflejo en el espejo de la amplia sala de la casa. Su rostro ovalado y moreno, de grandes y tristes ojos verdes. Su larga cabellera de color castaño peinada descuidadamente con algunos mechones cayendo sobre su frente. Su largo vestido de color negro cubriendo sin gracia su esbelto cuerpo.

No le gustó como se veía. Una mujer que había perdido su feminidad, su valor como persona, su fortaleza. Era como un ser sin sentimientos ni emociones al que la vida llevaba como una hoja al viento. Así se sentía... pero eso iba a cambiar.

Su padre siempre la trato como un ser inferior. Se molestó con su madre cuando ella nació,éll esperaba un varón y no pudo tenerlo. Para él las mujeres estaban en la vida para servir. Se vengó de ella y de su madre, quien era una mujer débil, acostumbrada a obedecer al esposo y que nunca la defendió.

Ella se convirtió en una niña triste, sin amigos, encerrada en una casa también triste. No hubo expresiones de amor, solo maltratos y los verbales eran los más terribles porque afectaron su alma, haciéndola cada vez más sola, encerrada en sí misma.

Cuido a su madre hasta que murió y luego a su padre que ni en la enfermedad suavizo su aspereza. Hasta el último suspiro fue déspota con ella.

Los días fueron transcurriendo con la tranquilidad del silencio de los corredores. En su habitación Enriqueta se prueba varias prendas de vestir, ya es tiempo de dejar el luto, es una hipocresía, mantener las apariencias, piensa mientras se peina su cabello que ahora lleva sobre los hombros.

¿Que te parece tía Luisa? y le modela un vestido de falda amplia de color verde manzana, sin mangas, dejando sus torneados brazos al descubierto.

Te ves hermosa querida sobrina. Pero piensas salir vestida así. ¿Vas a dejar el luto?

Decidí dejarlo tía y voy a salir. Quiero ir a la ciudad y ver a la gente. Soy como las mariposas cuando salen de la crisálida y pueden volar. Ellas brillan a la luz del sol y los colores de sus alas resplandecen y no paran de volar hasta encontrar esa flor donde saciar su sed. El dulce néctar del amor.

Es muy cierto lo que dices, y te doy la razón querida Enriqueta. Aprovecha cada momento de tu vida. Ahora lo que decidas hacer solo depende de ti.

Y se sintió primero bella por fuera y después en su interior, donde fue creciendo su amor por ella misma. Se entregó al trabajo en las tierras que heredó de sus padres. Le gustó hacerlo y lo disfrutaba. Pero había algo que deseaba y no había encontrado aún, un hombre a quien amar, con quien compartir su vida.

Y así Enriqueta estuvo buscando por años su alma gemela y la encontró una tarde cuando esperaba que dejara de llover, sentada en una mesa de la cafetería del centro de la ciudad.

Con los ojos cerrados y una taza de café caliente en las manos, sintió su presencia y escucho su voz.

¡Buenas tardes señora! ¿Puedo sentarme aquí y acompañarla?

Abrió sus grandes ojos verdes y supo al verlo parado frente a ella que la espera habia terminado.

Traducido al inglés en


I'm so happy for Enriqueta..
It's not easy to suffer emotional abuse without support or motivation from those that we love most.
I do hope she gets the best of care as she has found her soulmate.


Hi @stellageorge, I really appreciate your comment. It is a process that many women go through and thanks to their inner strength and the support of others they manage to overcome and find peace of mind and happiness.


What a heartwarming story, @popurri! You take us through Enriqueta's journey from being a crushed caterpillar with a mean father who almost destroyed her feminity, to emerging as a beautiful butterfly. I hope she keeps flying high and enjoying the beauty life has to offer. Very well-written!

Thank you for participating in the Scholar N Scribe Invitational. Good luck!
!LUV 😊


Hi @kemmyb. Thank you so much for inviting me to write on this topic and for your beautiful comment.
Finding self-love helped her to see the beauty of life.
A hug and happy day ⚘
