A post on authenticity that surely will be scorned and treated with contempt.

Well, maybe I should start this post by making a terrible confession. Confess that lately I am finding this "social network" extremely boring. The content that is being published here for some time now bores me enormously. And now I can hardly find anything that encourages me to read what has been written and published or to upvote & curate it or even inviting enough as to want to interact with its authors.

Now, all too often, I find myself many times daily on Google to try to find something interesting to instruct me or trying to find something new to inspire me or keep me entertained for a little while. Some years ago this did not happen. This young and brand new "social network" used to flourish with interesting and thought provoking content of all kinds that usually consumed almost all my time online.

But not anymore. Now, very often, I am forced to incessantly wander the internet in search of something that really grabs my attention. And what's worse, there is no sense of humor here anymore. I think it never really existed here. Which was something that always caught my attention big time. Witnessing for many years how unappreciated humor content has been on this "social network" on the blockchain.

It begins to be a bit annoying for me not to find a glimpse of true authenticity on the platform anymore. It seems authenticity have gone to hell for some time now.

People often say that they aren't here for the money they can earn from their content, but for the community and their ability to leave their most intimate thoughts and more pure feelings engraved on the blockchain for future reference while they can meet people worldwide with who they can make new friends and establish productive and profitable relationships and blablablah.

Of course all of this doesn't sound sincere at all. Obviously that's just pure bullshit & small talk to ingratiate themselves with the naives with fat wallets in the platform.

Is it that no one here has realized yet that there is no way that an article on the platform will exceed $20 dollars in payout unless it has been voted by a whale at least? And this is precisely where all that fake slogan of making new friends and establish productive and profitable relationships and blablablah have some sense.

Everyone is here for the money they can earn by posting content. And whoever says otherwise will only be lying. A big, fat and blatant lie. To verify what I am telling you, you just have to take a quick glance at Hive's Hot page and check each post there that exceeds $20 in payouts and then confirm which whale has voted for it and with how much do$h it has voted their posts. And then, check also how more do$h added the other fishes below in the list.

This not requires a PhD in rocket science to realize this. This has been happening for a long time. So, to all those who you surprise saying that they are only here to make new "friends" and establish productive and profitable relationships and blablablah, prolly now you will know to what the hell they are referring to.

A vigorous and energetic campaign of asskissing over here. A tireless and permanent campaign of bootlicking over there. And a shameless campaign of brown nosing everywhere... and it surely seems to cover and fulfill their unblushing altruism. Pleasing all their Patrons whims and becoming a shill of whatever their Maecenas say. Yeah, productive and profitable relationships you know?

And what happens with the AuThenTicity of those posts that not only exceed the $20 barrier but also reach $50, $100 and more dollars?

Ah, forget about those posts. These are only found on the trending page and are exclusively reserved for whales and orcas that are already members of consolidated vintage circle jerks. Or eventually for some well known consecrated asskissers, bootlickers and brownnosers who aspire to be admitted to the lodge.

Do the same test that I suggested for the $20 posts on the Hot page. And you will confirm that in this case it is not just a single whale that votes those articles.

In this case they are a handful or two handfuls of them. Always the same ones that vote indiscriminately for each other their own articles automatically regardless of what they publish. Authentic or not. Interesting or not. Thought provoking or not.

These are the privileges of belonging to a lodge. Being a member of an exclusive club. Or eventually be a vassal of the elite who have already crowned their AK, BL & BN diplomas through their productive and profitable relationships career on chain.

«-Authenticity Test-»


Maybe first you'd want to know what it's like getting more than 100% of authenticity.

We have all been in those places where someone wants more than 100%. Right?

Well here's how you do that. Here's how you can achieve at least 103%. But first of all, here's a little math that might prove helpful for you.

In the future. How does one achieve 100% in LIFE? Well, begin by nothing but the following.


A = 1

B = 2

C = 3

D = 4

E = 5

F = 6

G = 7

H = 8

I = 9

J = 10

K = 11

L = 12

M = 13

N = 14

O = 15

P = 16

Q = 17

R = 18

S = 19

T = 20

U = 21

V = 22

W = 23

X = 24

Y = 25

Z = 26


H A R D W O R K = 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = Only 98%


K N O W L E D G E = 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = Only 96%.

But interestingly (as you would expect),

A T T I T U D E = 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%.

This is how you achieve 100% authenticity in LIFE.


B U L L S H I T = 2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%

So, now you know what all those high-priced consultants, upper management and motivational speakers really mean when they want to exceed the 100%.

However, as you could imagine. Achieving only 103% authenticity is not enough for a Humorous Cranky Gandalf like me. Because such a level of Delightful Crankiness always forces you to exhaust all the sarcasm accumulated in your authentic being to be able to write authentic articles like this with all the S E R E N I T Y possible.

S E R E N I T Y = ??+?+??+?+??+???+?? = ???% - ¡Yeah! you do the math!

¡Check Your Authenticity Potential!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



The tits get your attitude to 100%! Lol. Screw serenity and it’s 105! Surprised it was higher than bullshit. Kind of messed up making me do math in my head, come on man what the fuck?!

Maybe hive is like porn for you. You get into it so much that it doesn’t excite you anymore. Maybe you need a break from it hahah. Can you go out for more walks instead? I don’t know what the Rona has done to your freedom of autonomy where you live but hopefully you can get out for a leisurely stroll without getting bird shit on you.

In some ways I don’t fault the whales. They are investors after all and are looking after their investment. They don’t really care what they vote on too much. Appreciator is a fun account because they vote on all kinds of random shit, myself included! As a relatively small fry I’ll take it.

I cringe at some of the crazy bootlickers though. I see some and I’m like okay make it a little less obvious that you’re gunning for those whales plx.

Are you sure you’re not the twin of @angryman? :D


In some ways I don’t fault the whales. They are investors after all and are looking after their investment.



Not MY twin... Maybe Lucylin's though or Frot's...??? Thanks for the ping @cmplxty, otherwise I may never have stumbled across such a potentially accusatory line of questioning :>) which may otherwise serve to steer the most nefarious members thoughts to such possibility furthering their disdain for the superior intellectual talent displayed within my activities on Hive...

Admittingly... I have had exchanges with @por500bolos occasionally in the past of equal praise, but mostly when (whoever they are) dropped me a line in comments, after leaving a modest vote. I'd much rather prefer he/she dropped a more lucrative sum directly into my wallet...!!!


It would be nice to have lucrative sums deposited directly wouldn’t it? I’ll take the pittance though!

I figured you two would be acquainted! I think you are both great folk and have some similar funny parts about you. I don’t know Lucy or Frot much, though I do see them both around.


Any amount - as a gift - is nice, but with the expenditure of my valuable time, I'd prefer adequate compensation :>)


Careful, you might start getting all your posts downvoted to zero saying stuff like that


Target audience...



This is downvote territory, you renegade...
