

Before the first crypto boom in 2016 you could easily use credit card to purchase crypto via #CEX. I di require some crypto then. By the end of 2017 and forth, the credit gate was closed. I think many use that route to acquire crypto. it pushed #BTC value as well since this was the trend then. I did not buy a lot cause it was credit and I did pay back since this is the right thing to do. It was something the banks did not like seeing funds cruising to crypto.

It reminds me the same scenario in 2020,2021. Exactly not the same method but there were an influx of cash heading to crypto. I do not think it is consistent to bring crypto to the masses. At least you see many made it to the top and memes coin came out ravishing then and now many are sad losing a lot. This was main street touching base with crypto. It is important to gather your thought to understand the value each of us will bring to crypto.

The main power house that will move crypto a little bit quicker resides with institutional investors. I wish you and I make it happen but it will take forever cause we may not be able to touch as many as quick as an investor. This is where a credit card like #mastercard comes to the platform. This may not be the first time a credit card company is looking for ways to connect with credit card. #coinbase is connecting with banks and they offer a #visa debit card. Actually many are not ready to use their crypto via credit unless you have a whale status.

#mastercard move may not fit your credentials unless you are an investor with major funds at hand. #Mastercard will not hold crypto for you. They will use #PAXOS for crypto services. I feel like they smell the amount of transactions that can be possible, so they are situated their services to make profit along the way. This may resolve a problem for crypto. it is the liquidity problem. Again it sits well for institutional investors.

While crypto appreciates any news as good news, it may not move the price now. It will not help in 2022 what you and I bring to crypto everyday. If you look around many big companies circling around crypto are looking for ways to earn more. I do not see them facilitating the process for the masses.
While this aspect catches my mind, I am thinking how a credit or debit card will work with Hive. This will be a spontaneous builder for the community.

Since we have learned to appreciate #HBD. It will be a game changer to have a card associated with HBD. Let's say the program allows you to drop your HBD saving into the card as credit where you can use it and then pay it back to unlock your HBD savings. The same system could apply for Hive and HP as well. It may not work for some but it is an opportunity to mix things up and push Hive value to the top. As of right now it may not turn to be a feasible plan of action.

#crypto is an ever changing financial asset. What you can do with it today, can be multiply by 2X tomorrow. This is why holding is always help in the long run. Today #Mastercard is doing this, soon #visa, #AMEX and many more. This is why hold a focus on crypto proves to be worthy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Money saved in banks adds no value, what should hold investors back from investing in crypto more? Banks not in consonant with crypto deals. The initiative of master cards and credit
card will really help to ease different crypto transactions


Great to see cards bridging the crypto and real worlds as in the end we are all consumers. Another step to mass adoption and at some point blockchain technology will be everywhere proving its worth.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
