Fulani Jihadists against Hausa kingdoms and the story of Israelites can be studied in Parallel


Abraham left his father's country and "a god "promised to give him a new land.

He wandered for many years in the desert moving from one village to another, cities to cities with his goats , cows, Camels, and his slaves;he was a Pastoralist.
He got to a land called Canaan. Abraham and his slaves were Herdsmen.

Canaan was a beautiful land, a land filled with milk and honey(Like Yoruba land),
his god made a promise - He promised to give his descendants the very land that accommodated him.
According to the story, there were people already living on the land,infact the first priest that blessed Abraham was a canaanite(Melchizedek).
Abraham descendants would later Massacred Canaanites and took over their land;they called it their promised land even though they were not indigenous to the land.
Many said it was because Cannanites were Pagan, and they didnt worship god of the Israelites , that cant be true. because at that time nobody worshipped the god of israel expect the Israelites , every society had their own National god..

This was the same thing that Fulani did with Hausa land. Some Fulani even said their god has given them Yorubaland.

It seems the god of Abraham started as Pastoralist god /cult.
Abraham was a Pastoralist, his god favours Pastoralist over Farmer .
For instance, the story of Cain and Abel.

Abel became a herder of sheep while Cain was a tiller of the soil..
They both made sacrifices, the god accepted Abel's sacrifice while he rejected Cain's sacrifice.
Cain sacrifice was made from his farm produces while Abel sacrifice was made with Animal from his herds. (Although many argued that god didnt accept Cain sacrifice because he didnt use the best harvest; however if you read the story, it didn't mention whether it was good or bad.
I think the problem is the items Cain used not the quality; Plants has no blood..
Throughout the stories of the Hebrew recorded in their books called "Bible" ,Plants was never item to be used to sacrifice to Yahweh.

Another story is that of Esau and Jacob.
Esau was an hunter while Jacob was a Pastoralist.
There are many instances in the Hebrew books where the god of Abraham favours
Pastoralist over Agriculturalist, although the Israelites later evolved into Agriculturalist after taken over the land of the Canaanites .
Fulani Jihadists against Hausa kingdoms and the story of Israelites can be studied in Parallel.
