Ending A Relationship


Photo by Filipe Almeida

Nothing about a relationship is easy. Starting a relationship is very hard thing to do especially with Nigerian girls because these ladies have taken it upon themselves to make sure the guys go through hell before they agree to date them and some of them even do this to guys that they like because they all have this weird mentality that making it easy for the guy will make him play with their emotions.. Its crazy.

But apparently, starting a relationship isn't the only hard thing there is, ending one is also a hard task especially for someone like me. I've had this conversation with myself on few occasions and I've often asked myself how I would end a relationship.

Now I guess it's easier to end a relationship if there is a good reason. Maybe she did something horribly wrong and then you just hold on to that and tell her it's over. But how do you go about it if she has done absolutely nothing wrong?

Many of you might be wondering what the hell am I talking about because it's literally an easy task (maybe). All you have to do is call him or her and tell them you no longer want to be with them, I get it. But you see, I happen to be one of those guys who absolutely hate hurting people. The thoughts of my action causing another person pain especially when that person is innocent and has done me no wrong is enough reason for me not to go ahead and do that stuff. So you see, it's a really really hard thing for me to do. And it's funny that I'm not even in that situation yet I'm struggling to find a way to solve it, now imagine when it's no longer an imaginary situation and I have to deal with it in real life.

So how do you heartless people do it 😂. Do you look for a good reason in other to reduce the pain the other person might feel or do you just end it without even trying to come up or waiting for a reasonable excuse?


Ending a relationship isn't so hard.
Let's say you're in a relationship where you're no longer attracted to your partner, not like they did anything bad but you're just not into it again.
Before a breakup, you'll definitely see signs that your partner is no longer interested in you.
You know your partner best, you know how they handle things,news , so you tell them in a way you feel they might handle it best. It's not like you guys signed a contract to get married😆. It's bound to happen sooner or later.
When you get there you'll know what I'm talking about


So you're saying it won't be as hard as I think?
