Owning a Pet


Photo by Hannah Lim

At one point in our lives we've all wanted to have a pet, especially when we were kids, whether it was a dog, a cat or a rabbit. We just wanted some little cute creature that we could look after and play with. Unfortunately for many of us, we never really got to have any pets because our parents were strongly against it and then when we disturb them too much about it, they will eventually give us a very hard task to accomplish and promise to get us the pets when we finish the task.

A big scam.

One of the most very popular tasks is to come out top of the class. Give that tasks to a child who always comes last in class and watch him remember that he doesn't even like pets that much, Lol.

Anyways, I was one of those kids who always wanted a pet but my parents were against it. They didn't even give me a tasks in exchange for a promise to get me the pet of my choice, they just said no and that was it. Of course back then I thought they were just being mean but now that I really think about it, it's really expensive to take care of a pet. I've watched my neighbor sell his dog two months after he purchased it because he figured out he had to feed himself first before thinking of feeding a dog.

Anyways, I wanted a dog and my parents said no, so I decided to go get myself another pet instead, one that would literally cost them zero cents. So I took my fishing hook, put some worm on it and went down the street to a gutter to fish. It turned out the owner of the gutter had a fishing pond in his compound and whenever he changed the fish water, some of the fishes escape and swim into his gutter.

The man wasn't really a big fan of people fishing there so he always chased us away, but not before I caught three little fishes. I immediately was satisfied with my catch and took my fishes home to go keep them in a bowl at my backyard. These three fishes were officially my pets and I was trying my best to feed them everytime, giving them as much worm as possible because that was the only food I knew they could eat that was free.

The whole pet thing was going very well until one morning when I woke up to go feed them and then I realised that one of my fish was missing. I had no idea what had happened to it and after looking around, I decided to just forget about it and feed the other two. But then the next day, I go to feed the two and I realised that another one was missing. These were little catfish that I feel weren't matured enough to be eaten. So I made a mental note to find out about what was taking my fishes captive and I did. It turned out there was a stray cat which was coming over every night to help himself with my fish.

I got angry but couldn't do anything to it because I'm afraid of cats, so I ended up selling the last fish to a friend. It was his responsibility now.
