Pregnant Nancy




Nancy weeped as she stared at a picture of her husband. One would think she had just lost him to the cold hands of death and was grieving but it was something entirely different. Nancy probably would have preferred that he was dead than what was currently happening to her now.

Nancy had met Jude some few months ago. Jude had just returned from the United state when they met and it didn’t take long for their love to blossom. The duo were so much in love that it only took them one month of knowing each other for them to get married and then another month for Nancy to get pregnant.

Nancy was sure she had made the right choice and nothing anybody say was going to change her mind about that until six months later when she was now seven months pregnant. Her husband Jude had decided he had to run back to the United state to go set up some things and when he was done, he would come back to be with them or bring them over to the states. That was what Jude told Nancy before he left but about a month later, when Nancy was getting closer to her delivery date, she had received a call that changed everything.

A friend of hers had seen her husband at the States with a different woman and when she investigated further, she found out that the woman she saw him with was his wife of five years and they had two kids together. Jude had a family oversees, a family Nancy knew nothing about and here she was, about to start up another family for him.

If the pregnancy was only but a few weeks old, she probably would have immediately terminated it but it was too late for her to do that now, she would give birth and focus all of her energy on her loving child for now, her husband’s doomsday will have to wait.
