The Verdict



Jamal showed no remorse on his face as the judge got ready to give a ruling over his case. He knew he would repeat what he did over and over again as long as it meant his son would remain alive.

“After all the evidence presented to me on this case...” the judge began, but Jamal's mind was no longer in the courtroom. In his head, he was replaying the whole event that led to him being in that courtroom that day.

Jamal, a single father had been in his room that day when he heard his son, Jamal Jr scream from downstairs. He had rushed down only to find his son bleeding from the head. The boy had missed his step while coming down the stairs and had smashed his head hard against the staircase. It was a miracle he wasn't unconscious, but the sight of blood gushing out of his head had been so gruesome that Jamal had immediately rushed him to the hospital.

The drive to the hospital would normally take about five minutes, but Jamal had decided to go to another hospital about fifteen more minutes away from the first one because he wanted his son to be attended to immediately. The first one was always overcrowded.

But thirty minutes after Jamal got to the hospital with his son, his still wasn't attended to. He would walk to the nurse who was standing behind the counter and ask why his son wasn't getting any treatment yet but he got the same answer everytime.

“The doctor will be with you in a minute”

After about an hour and half and still nothing yet, Jamal Jr started convulsing. This time, Jamal started approaching anyone he saw dressed like a doctor, pleading to them to come check on his son but no one did nothing, and that was when Jamal went to his car and brought out a gun.

That was when he got their attention and the doctor took a look at his son before immediately rushing him into the operating room. Then Jamal got arrested for pointing a gun at the doctors, a gun he had dropped the moment his son got attended to.

The sound of the judge's gavel hitting the sound block brought Jamal back to reality. He didn't hear what the final verdict was and was looking around for a clue when his lawyer stretched out his hand towards him.

He said. “Congratulations, we did it.”


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This story progresses so well. Readers feel the anxiety of the father, and despair at the hospital's indifference. When the father grabs a gun, we understand.

The ending is great. It's better than actually hearing the verdict. This has more emotional impact: "Congratulations".

Thank you for posting this interesting story to the Ink Well community.


Thanks.. I'm glad you guys find the story interesting.


This is a beautiful story, a father goes to great lengths to save his son's life.
Thankfully it all works out in the end.
I love it @prayzz, keep it up.
