Reseña: Whisky // Review: Whisky




A veces te encuentras con películas que pueden desarrollarte como espectador, ya que te permiten interactuar de maneras diferentes a las habituales, este el caso de este título que me tope en Netflix. Es un film uruguayo estrenado el 2004, dirigido por Juan Pablo Rebella y Pablo Stoll.

Sometimes you come across films that can develop you as a viewer, as they allow you to interact in different ways than usual, this is the case of this title that I found on Netflix. It is an Uruguayan film released in 2004, directed by Juan Pablo Rebella and Pablo Stoll.


Jacobo Koller es el dueño de una fábrica de medias. El vive una rutina diaria con sus empleados especialmente con Marta, su empleada de más edad. Un día su hermano Herman, que vive en Brasil, le informa que irá a visitarlo por el aniversario de la muerte de su madre. Jacobo para evitar problemas con su hermano, decide inventarse un matrimonio con Marta en complicidad con ella. Todo ello mientras dure el viaje de su hermano.

Jacobo Koller is the owner of a hosiery factory. He lives a daily routine with his employees, especially with Marta, his oldest employee. One day his brother Herman, who lives in Brazil, informs him that he will visit him for the anniversary of their mother's death. Jacobo, in order to avoid problems with his brother, decides to invent a marriage with Marta in complicity with her. All this for the duration of his brother's trip.

Con esa premisa, uno puede suponer una comedia con diversos gags, pero sería un error, ya que se acerca más a un drama costumbrista, con una peculiaridad que poco a poco se nota. Los personajes si bien se comunican, no hay mucho diálogo en la cinta. Se ven diversos escenarios en que parecieran mudos, pero lo que a mi parecer busca la cinta es que el espectador tenga una participación activa, intentando rellenar lo que no se expresa oralmente, intentando comprender a los personajes, sus pensamientos y emociones.

With that premise, one can assume a comedy with several gags, but it would be a mistake, as it is closer to a costumbrist drama, with a peculiarity that gradually becomes noticeable. Although the characters communicate, there is not much dialogue in the film. There are several scenarios in which they seem to be mute, but what I think the film is looking for is that the viewer has an active participation, trying to fill in what is not expressed orally, trying to understand the characters, their thoughts and emotions.



Lo anterior al hacerlo original, puede gustar a muchos, pero también a otros no les parecerá, y la trama les acabará pareciendo aburrida u ordinaria. No es para todos los gustos. Es de suponer, que hay un interesante trabajo en la fotografía y los escenarios, buscando que estos expresen la mayor cantidad de ideas. Los demás aspectos técnicos cumplen.

This, by making it original, may please many, but others will not like it, and the plot will end up seeming boring or ordinary. It is not for all tastes. Presumably, there is an interesting work in photography and scenarios, seeking that these express as many ideas as possible. The other technical aspects comply.

Como menciono, no es para todo público, pero si te interesa probar una cinta que busca una expectación activa en el espectador, este es un buen film para ver.

As I mentioned, it is not for all audiences, but if you are interested in trying a film that seeks an active expectation in the viewer, this is a good film to watch.


Seems like a good movie. I will definetely watch it. Thanks for the tip
