Forgiveness: A core factor to undeniable Freedom.



Hello everyone,
Feels so good to be here

I excited to participate in this important week's topics because it brings so much joy into my heart because individually i battle with this and i conquer it although it took time. I forgive easily, i don't forget the pains, so it was as if i have not forgiven at all. so i had to learn true forgiveness which should be accompanied by forgetting the pains and letting go.

In today's world forgiveness is much easier said than done, forgiveness is very difficult, forgiveness is not just mere words, but genuine forgiveness comes from the heart and it can be reflected in our actions that we have forgiven. Forgiveness is great conceptually, but actually putting it into practice can be challenging. Both asking for forgiveness and granting forgiveness are some of the hardest interpersonal interactions, but they are both essential for the Christian life.

For forgiveness to be effective, we must first understand what forgiveness is all about as well as forgive yourself, without forgiving ourselves first we cannot extend forgiveness to those that hurts us. Forgiveness is all about letting go completely, no holding of grudges. It requires vulnerability, courage, and a willingness to let go of past hurts. However, it is a transformative act that can liberate us from the burden of resentment, anger, and bitterness. It is with forgiveness that our relationship with God begins and it’s the way you should live with others as well.
It's only us who understand the dept of the pains we felt when we were hurt, and getting over it, is not that much easy, as it seems. And most of the time we tend to distance ourselves from those who hurt us to avoid being hurt again, it's good, but that doesn't brings forgiveness, nor keeping malice No forgiveness is not running away from people who hurts us, but it's forgiving them and letting them go.

Unforgiveness is like a cage, and it only makes us dwell in our past, we don’t have to keep ourselves controlled by past events and hurt feelings, we need to get over it as time passes, it’s needed because it helps to improve the quality of our life. Dwelling in the past only keeps reminding us of our past failures and hurtful feelings at all time, with that it will not let us enjoy the present as well as focusing on the important things in our life. Unforgiveness hinders our happiness, our peace of mind both with man and with God so by forgiving we open the door to healing, restoration, and possibility of rebuilding broken relationships and freeing ourselves from the bonds of unforgiveness.


Forgiveness isn’t always a single event, rather it’s a process that we walk on with patience, It is not also a feeling but It’s an act of the will, and a choice. I understand that forgiveness is more about change in our lives, and it's done by bringing us peace, happiness, emotional and spiritual healing. Because we are hurt doesn't make everyone the same, so when we go we should be able to open our minds and give life another chance, only then can we be stronger and better.

Forgiveness is one of the true factors to happiness.
Thank you for reading to the end.
I'm still @pricelessudy


Yes you are right, unforgiveness is like a cage and it only affects us in all aspects of life


As long as we have not forgiven, we continue to live in guilt and pains, which will affect our productivity.
