There is power in quietness



Hello everyone,
Welcome to my blog.

Oftentimes I get to ask myself some questions when faced with the issues of life, is being moody going to change anything concerning the difficulties I am faced with, when I'm moody it only attracts attention and not solution, will sharing my challenges at all time help to bring solution, and yet another answer was it's not everyone that help you find solution to life's difficulties rather most of them when being shared with, makes it a gisting topic, instead of solution, while others will hold it against you rather than finding solution to it.
Quietness is a powerful weapon for promoting mental well-being as well as reducing anxiety and stress quietness can aid in cultivating mindfulness by allowing us to concentrate fully on the present moment.

So I now suggested something else, to be quiet In time, think positively and finally come up with an idea or solution, and when thinking so many ideas will come to mind, now i compare them to see if it will work then take necessary actions.
So that implies in most cases our challenges are not to be discussed with people rather it should be time for summer reflection and the way forward.

I came to discover that there is power in quietness, we should always learn to be quiet in the midst of the storm, because without calmness we tend to make some errors pertaining to life, rather it's a time for to read and meditate both on Gods word and motivational book.

Challenges comes with unusual provocation which Oftentimes we transfer both on others or on ourselves, so it is advisable that when faced with such situations, it is best that we remain quiet and calm, because if we get to speak with that state of mind, we get to talk amiss, and when we are calm most often we can regret our actions or what we get to say to others, so that is why its best if we remain quiet and calm in such situations.

There is a saying I often hear that "a close mouth is a close destiny," I'm not referring to that in this context, There are times that we have to be quiet to some situations, because that is the best thing to do at that time to free yourself from speaking amiss, there are also some situations that our opinion does not count, so in such situations we get to close our mouths and meditate on words that will bring about change and solution.

Many people have the talent to talk, it's good, most of them talk and put themselves into trouble while others remain quiet and become free citizens.

I have noticed that great men with successful stories don't talk to much they believe in taking actions that will yield results, and that is the beat thing to be done for success to be achieved.

Now I learn to talk less but listen more.
Thank you for reading.


Now I learn to talk less but listen more.

To me this has two meanings and only one of them is important. Listen more to your thoughts. I also find asking how how does a thought benefit me. With that question I find any negative thoughts flow away.


We have to also understand that we have full control of what comes to our minds, we trash what is not needed, and make use of what will help us grow.
Thank you for this wonderful comment ❤️
