LOH #101 || She is the definition of never giving up. A resilient lady.

Liza Summer from Pexels

I have enjoyed some entries in the LOH's contest by the Ladies of Hive and I read about some people who were resilient which taught the authors a great lesson. I would be doing the same thing about the second question of the contest.

Let's talk about a resilient woman, it can be your friend, family member, co-worker, etc. What is her life challenge and what did she do to overcome the trial she faced?

I tried thinking of someone to write about even though I can't forget my mom. For today, I would be talking about a resilient lady that I got to know so much and who is still very close to me. We both worked in the same school as teachers and I knew a few things about her and what she has gone through.

I met this lady in the year 2016 even before another friend linked me up for a post of a classroom teacher where this lady works too. My friend who linked me up is also a close friend to this lady, making the three of us friends too.

She is the second born out of four children her mother gave birth to, as her Dad married two wives. Being the second born, she is also the first girl and she stood as the second mother to her siblings.

She was a part-time student at the Lagos State Polytechnic and was also teaching. Apart from that, she was training as a fashion designer and never gave herself rest.

To her, she can't be a burden to her mother, even though her mom died some years back. During her mom's sickness, she was running everywhere because she was the only one closer to her mom as others were in school. The father also wasn't living with them but the second wife.

So, I do see her not taking enough rest but would always be with her mother in the church where she was taken to for healing.

After school hours during the week, she would report to the church to stay with her mother and on weekends, she travels to another state for her part-time studies. Despite those challenges, her mother died which was painful.

She decided to focus more on her life and there was this tailoring machine she needed to get for her skill, she would save all her salary and the only money she spent was the lesson fee we collect at the end of the month from pupils' parents.

She was disciplined not to touch her salary until she was able to get the machine. Lo and behold, she saved up for the machine and bought it.

Many times she would be in debt. I thought she was spending it lavishly at first, but not until she revealed her plans to me that I understood her. She was always there for her siblings.

Her disciplined and resilient life inspired me, and how she was able to overcome those challenges then. Now, she is married and also owns her own personal two big tailoring machines.

All these were as a result of never giving up despite the bad moment especially when she lost her mom.

As of then, she was so lean due to stress here and there but today, I am happy for her and where she is as a married woman. I believe things would continue to go smoothly for her.

I will be inviting @merit.ahama if she hasn't opted for it already and here is the contest link.

Thanks for your time



I love reading these stories of achievement and learning. We learn and value what we have. We also give thanks for everything 🙏


Self-discipline and perseverance are really the keys achieve what we truly want . she's such an inspiring one .


Wow, she's really something. Not giving up to the things you want in life is really one of thr amazing character of human. ❤️


That woman is indeed a resilient woman. Their types are rare in our world today. Most of the ladies we have around today wants to depend on either their parents or their boyfriends. There is no law anywhere that says a woman shouldn't work except if it is written somewhere in the book of laziness and poverty. I love and respect women who would dare challenges to it's face and say I must pass through. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.. and to me you are the perfect example of a resilient woman, your life has made a lot of impact on mine. ♥️🥰


There is no law anywhere that says a woman shouldn't work except if it is written somewhere in the book of laziness and poverty.

😅😅 Don't mind them. They are lazy and irresponsible. I don't respect such ladies too.

Thanks so much for your compliment.


Always welcome ma♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


A persevering woman. She saved up to buy her sewing machine. Many women need to commit to their dreams to see them come true.
