What Makes The Aerial Battles The Best To Be Fought ?

In any battle Royale game there are many factors that one needs to be considering while playing because the multitude that it has to offer is really vast. Not only there are a lot of gun mechanic as well as the gameplay system is also very big part that people need to be always having in their mind as the other players are also thinking about the same thing so what strategy will they will define in order to be out shining their opponents is a key in Battle Royale games.


Well one of the factors that is quite exciting to be honest and is also one of the ones which the players do look forward to the most you can say because it is the aerial battle which is available in a lot of games. Fighting in the sky is definitely one of the best feelings that you can enjoy in any video game especially when it is a Battle Royale game and you have open and so can do the same it takes it up a level and it makes it a lot more fun to be a part of as well.


Well there are a lot of games that you can be doing this in but the one that I am going to be talking about today and sharing with you all is definitely going to be COD mobile.

Call of Duty has been a very amazing game ever since it's launched on the mobile platform because ever since it has come people have been playing it non stop and it has also gathered a very big player base which is one of the biggest headache for any new game that arrives at the platform has all of duty was never available on mobile devices but it had a very strong a big strong hold on the platform such as PC, console and a lot of other one's as well.


One can argue that they already had a lot of experience in doing what the did but at the same time getting it done and getting it done right is a very big back to that one needs be considered ring and the way they have implemented the aerial battle system within the game on the mobile version is really commendable because it is a lot more interesting then a lot of games that available on the mobile devices.
To start with you can choose among to main arial vehicles which are the helicopter as well as the Air Force fighter that you can also choose but the helicopter is definitely more easily available so it is what people do prefer a lot more as well. It is easily the best vehicle that you can be using in the game but the thing that makes it even more specialist that it can go in the air but going in you can use one of your team mails or multiple teammates to kind of just define the aircraft as well as you can also go on the aggressive and attack people on the ground as well as you can also take on fights with other teams wear in the air at the same time.
Not to forget the amazing scenery that the map has to offer is a really big thing going there enjoying the scenes and taking on battles with Enemies is a really amazing combination that Call of Duty have cracked on the mobile devices and it looks absolutely amazing and in real time the game play is so involving that one can't just pull out of it in the battles are very intense never to say that.


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