It's not you, it's me. I need space.


Collage de Fotos Cumpleaños Mamá Minimalista Floral Beige_20231002_200539_0000.png

Every time we have moved, our closet space is different in size and shape. We usually have clothes hanging on hooks and also some sort of shelving for folded clothes.

We've walked through different types of them, from iron and wood shelves to overhead closets and bookcases. Yes, that's right, I currently have a small multi-span closet that was actually a bookcase that we decided to repurpose as closets. We're doing great with it. It's tall and narrow, it fits almost anywhere. That makes it very practical to have it in the bedroom.

Before these spaces, even if they were tidy, were just cluttered with a bunch of stuff in storage that I didn't use robbing me of time and the air to breathe 😄 Now it's very different.


My biggest trick will always be to donate and/or throw away what I don't use or have already a good time without assigning a task to it, however, I also apply some of them with what I decide to leave at home.

For example, to arrange the bedding I have learned to fold it in a way that takes up as little space as possible and still looks good, like a nice closet.

How do I do it?

I fold the sheet in half, in half again and in half again 😁 I do this with both the corner, tucking and pillowcases. Then I arrange them one inside or on top of the other (as it is in the photo).


Finally, I make three folds and it looks like this:


This has been very useful for me, it saves me a lot of space. So much so that I manage to store 12 sets of sheets in a section of my closet that measures 57 CM wide, 33 CM high and 30 CM deep.

I also save time, because when I pull out the sheet I'll use, everything is inside and I'm not frantically looking for, "Where's the pillowcase? What about the tuck-in? Oh no! I have to take it all out?" 😅

With the blankets I do exactly the same thing, only the folds are bigger so they lay flatter and fit the three we have.

In the case of bath towels, after folding them twice in half, I roll them up like a cinnamon roll 😄 and they stay like this.


Once I saw a friend of mine store them like this in her drawer and from there I tried to do it at home to see how it went precisely because of the space issue. I really like this shape. I think those rolls look really nice one on top of the other.

I do something very similar with our everyday clothes, going out clothes and underwear. Today I took the time to take everything out, clean, rearrange and take these pictures to show you.

I look forward to reading what tricks you will share this week, friends 💜

If you want to participate, this is the proposal #kiss for this week 🤗


Text of my authorship. The photos are my own, taken with my phone Realme 7. Edited with my phone's editor. Main image created in Canva. Text translated using


Wow! You have a great way of folding towels, bed sheets and even pillow cases. That's a great idea. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you my precious ☺️ I'm glad you like it 💫 With each move I have been trying different types of arrangements to get space and this has been the best so far. I send you a big hug 💟


"Where's the pillowcase? What about the tuck-in? Oh no! I have to take it all out?"

Oh gosh, I can relate so much with this 😂 But soon, it will be a thing of the past because I'm going to start folding them like you;)
Thanks for sharing your trick. Abrazos!


🤣 It used to happen to me, my friend. And dressing the bed would become an odyssey, where sometimes I would end up using one sheet from one and the covers from another 🤭🙈

Aaw thank you my beautiful. Sending you a mega hug and a little kiss for Grogu 💟 I wish your health is going great 🤗


I love the way the towels are folded. I think it really be easier to look for something that way. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you very much, my dear 🤗 I'm glad you like it and find it practical. Also that you have come to read my post. Have a great day 💟


I love the way you fold them, they looks really cool. I never thought of doing my bedsheets and pillow casings this way, and now I'm going to learn this method.

I saw a friend of mine how she folded her clothes many years ago, according to her, she learned that from her mom. I adopted her style and my clothing bags have been very neat, my clothes are easy to locate and they give room for more clothes.


Hola amiga! Thank you so much 🙈🥰 I'm really glad you think it's nice.

I, every time we are moving, I'm trying how to do it according to the space I have and I also observed how my friends do it 🤭 I will be attentive to read what you will share 💟
