LOH Community Contest #92: How do I treat myself and where would I go?


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Butterfly posing shamelessly for me, Club Monteclaro, Baruta. Venezuela.
Photo taken with my Samsung S20 FE cell phone camera.

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Hola mis bellas damas de esta distinguida comunidad, después de casi un mes de ausencia por diferentes motivos (mi salud, arreglos y mejoras en mi casa, el fin del año escolar de mi hijo, visitas y salidas con amigos, reencuentros y muchas cosas más que debía atender), regreso con mucho entusiasmo a participar en este nuevo reto. Confieso que ya me picaban las manos ante las ganas de escribir.

En primer lugar y antes de entrar de lleno a responder las preguntas de este reto, quisiera invitar a participar a mis amigas @slwzl, @belkisa758, @antoniarhuiz, @zhanavic69 y @sacra97. Si quieren conocer los detalles de este reto, pinchen aquí y serán re-direccionadas al post original con los detalles y condiciones para participar.

También quiero agradecer a @elizabethbit por regalarnos esta nueva oportunidad de dar rienda suelta a nuestras emociones y sentimientos.

¡Ahora si, vamos a lo que vinimos!

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Hello my beautiful ladies of this distinguished community, after almost a month of absence for different reasons (my health, repairs and improvements in my house, the end of my son's school year, visits and outings with friends, reunions and many other things I had to attend to), I return with much enthusiasm to participate in this new challenge. I confess that my hands were already itching to write.

First of all, and before I start answering the questions of this challenge, I would like to invite my friends @slwzl, @belkisa758, @antoniarhuiz, @zhanavic69 and @sacra97 to participate. If you want to know the details of this challenge, click here and you will be redirected to the original post with the details and conditions to participate.

I also want to thank @elizabethbit for giving us this new opportunity to unleash our emotions and feelings.

Now, let's get down to business!


Photo of my property.

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Hasta hace un corto tiempo, yo solía ser demasiado crítica conmigo misma, muy dura y exigente y no me permitía relajarme, disfrutar y mucho menos cometer un error. Pero en estas últimas semanas, las cosas comenzaron a desmoronarse de una manera que no sabría cómo explicar. Mi mundo estructurado donde no había cabida para el error, comenzó a fallar aquí y allá. De ser una persona completamente responsable y sin deudas, pronto me vi sin dinero y debía el pago mensual del colegio de mi hijo, tuve que pedir prestado para poder comprar comida y para arreglar un problema de filtraciones que era pequeño, pero de un momento a otro, se convirtió en una verdadera pesadilla.

Todo fue como el efecto dominó, cuando tocas la primera pieza, van cayendo una tras otra de manera indetenible. Eso me pasó. Al principio no supe qué hacer (después tampoco) y entré en desesperación y mi problema con la hernia hiatal se intensificó, los dolores eran horribles y cada vez peores. Solo me calmaba a ratos, colocarme una almohadilla congelada de gel, porque mi cuerpo parecía burlarse del tratamiento.

Todo esto me estaba afectando y por primera vez en mi vida, experimenté un ataque de pánico, después de dos semanas. Comencé a temblar de manera descontrolada, a sudar frío, mi corazón latía a todo lo que daba, sentí mareos, no podía casi respirar y un llanto muy raro, como histérico se apoderó de mí. Fue horrible.

Afortunadamente, tengo un vecino que es paramédico y me gritaba por el patio de atrás que le abriera, pero como no me podía mover, él saltó el muro que divide nuestras casas y entró. Me dio oxígeno y no sé qué más y me recordó que tenía que buscar a mi hijo al colegio. Rato después, sintiéndome como en una especie de aletargamiento, conduje despacio hasta llegar al colegio. Pero antes de llegar recibo un mensaje de su profesora y solo alcancé a leer: "Gabo se cayó... sangre..." Mi cerebro no registró más nada, solo sé que aceleré y conduje lo más rápido que pude. Me bajé del carro corriendo y cuando entré, solo vi sangre en el bracito de mi hijo. Luego no vi más nada. No supe más de mí.


Our dearest Lulu. Photo of my property.

Until a short time ago, I used to be too critical of myself, too hard and demanding and did not allow myself to relax, enjoy myself, let alone make a mistake. But in these last few weeks, things started to fall apart in a way that I wouldn't know how to explain. My structured world where there was no room for error began to fail here and there. From being a completely responsible person with no debts, I soon found myself without money and owed my son's monthly school payment, I had to borrow to be able to buy food and to fix a leakage problem that was small, but from one moment to the next, it turned into a real nightmare.

Everything was like the domino effect, when you touch the first piece, one after another one falls unstoppably. That happened to me. At the beginning I didn't know what to do (later I didn't know either) and I became desperate and my problem with the hiatal hernia intensified, the pains were horrible and worse and worse. It only calmed me at times, putting on a frozen gel pad, because my body seemed to make a mockery of the treatment.

All this was affecting me and for the first time in my life, I experienced a panic attack, after two weeks. I started shaking uncontrollably, breaking out in a cold sweat, my heart was pounding, I felt dizzy, I could hardly breathe, and a very weird, hysterical-like crying took over. It was horrible.

Fortunately, I have a neighbor who is a paramedic and he was yelling at me through the backyard to open up, but since I couldn't move, he jumped over the wall that divides our houses and came in. He gave me oxygen and I don't know what else and reminded me that I had to pick up my son from school. A short time later, feeling like I was in some kind of lethargy, I drove slowly until I got to school. But before I got there I received a message from his teacher and I only managed to read: "Gabo fell... blood..." My brain didn't register anything else, I only know that I accelerated and drove as fast as I could. I got out of the car running and when I got in, I only saw blood on my son's arm. Then I didn't see anything else. I didn't know anything more about myself.


A gift from a special friend 🌼💛🌼 Photo of my property.

Estos acontecimientos me hicieron detenerme a reflexionar en las cosas sobre las que tengo control y las que no. Y definitivamente, no tengo control sobre el futuro. Pero sí tengo control de mis emociones y de mi vida y no puedo permitirme caer en una cama enferma porque no tendría quién se ocupase de mi hijo si algo me ocurriese. Gabriel solo cuenta conmigo, solo me tiene a mí, así que debía tratar de poner en orden el caos en el que se estaba convirtiendo mi vida y eso hice. No sé cómo pero todo comenzó a fluir, quizás debía tocar fondo para impulsarme con más fuerza hacia arriba y sobre todo para permitirme cometer errores sin sentirme culpable, ni sentir que soy una mala persona por eso. La vida es para vivirla cometiendo errores y aprendiendo de ellos, no para ser perfectos.

Ahora todo va mejorando y sé que estaremos mejor que ahora. Todo está y estará bien.

Estoy saliendo de mi ostracismo y me estoy permitiendo ser, disfrutar de buena compañía y recuperar esos buenos amigos que sé que están allí, como yo lo estoy para ellos.


That's what life is all about.
Of moments, of memories that are left on the way, of friends...
Own photo.

These events made me stop and reflect on the things I have control over and the things I don't have control over. And I definitely don't have control over the future. But I do have control over my emotions and my life and I can't afford to fall into a sick bed because I would have no one to take care of my son if something were to happen to me. Gabriel only counts on me, he only has me, so I had to try to put in order the chaos that my life was becoming and that's what I did. I don't know how but everything started to flow, maybe I had to hit bottom to push myself upwards with more strength and above all to allow myself to make mistakes without feeling guilty, or feeling that I am a bad person for that. Life is to live it making mistakes and learning from them, not to be perfect.

Now everything is getting better and I know we will be better than we are now. Everything is and will be fine.

I ' m coming out of my ostracism and I ' m allowing myself to be, to enjoy good company and to get back those good friends that I know are there, as I am for them.

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My most beloved sunsets, my favorite place.

Si tuviese la oportunidad de viajar, iría a cualquier parte del mundo, porque amo viajar, es algo que hacíamos en mi familia con frecuencia. Fuese dentro o fuera de Venezuela, durante las vacaciones de verano, durante las fechas decembrinas y cada vez que teníamos oportunidad. Con papá y mamá conocí Puerto Rico, Colombia, Panamá, México y las islas Curazao Aruba y Guadeloupe y con mi novio conocí Finlandia, España e Islas Canarias.

Pero si me preguntan adónde preferiría ir en estos momentos, sin pensarlo mi respuesta inmediata sería "La Isla de Margarita" en mi propio país. Esta isla es mi hogar, es ese lugar lleno de magia que me recibe con los brazos abiertos, con su suave brisa despeinando mi cabello, con sus mágicas playas, sus atardeceres encantadores y ese hermoso cielo y sus tonalidades naranja, amarillo y dorado.

Margarita es para mí, ese refugio donde suelo recargar energías, donde me lleno de energía positiva, es ese lugar donde soy feliz.

If I had the opportunity to travel, I would go anywhere in the world, because I love to travel, it is something we did in my family frequently. Whether it was inside or outside Venezuela, during summer vacations, during the Christmas holidays and every time we had the opportunity. With my mom and dad I visited Puerto Rico, Colombia, Panama, Mexico and the islands of Curacao, Aruba and Guadeloupe, and with my boyfriend I visited Finland, Spain and the Canary Islands.

But if you ask me where I would prefer to go right now, without thinking my immediate answer would be "Margarita Island" in my own country. This island is my home, it is that place full of magic that welcomes me with open arms, with its soft breeze ruffling my hair, with its magical beaches, its enchanting sunsets and that beautiful sky and its orange, yellow and golden hues.

Margarita is for me, that refuge where I usually recharge my energy, where I fill myself with positive energy, it is that place where I am happy.


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Margarita Island, Venezuela. Own photo, taken with my Samsung S20 EFE cell phone.

Es tanto el amor que siento por esta Isla, que hace doce años decidí que mi hijo nacería allí. Y es que cada recuerdo, cada atardecer, cada momento ha sido simplemente maravilloso. Es tanto lo que tengo para agradecer a mi Isla, me ha dado tanto, he sido inmensamente feliz allí, por eso es que siempre que pueda iré a visitarla, a abrazar sus abrazos, a tenderme en sus deliciosas aguas, caminar a orillas de la playa y disfrutar de la magia de sus atardeceres. Margarita es mi lugar favorito en el mundo mundial.

I love this island so much that twelve years ago I decided that my son would be born there. And every memory, every sunset, every moment has been simply wonderful. I have so much to thank my island for, it has given me so much, I have been immensely happy there, that is why whenever I can I will go to visit it, to embrace its hugs, to lie in its delicious waters, walk along the beach and enjoy the magic of its sunsets. Margarita is my favorite place in the world.

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Una vez más gracias por ser, por estar, por leerme, por permitirnos a cada usuario, la posibilidad y oportunidad de coger la pluma y que nuestros pensamientos hagan el resto. Nunca dejaré de agradecer que hace cuarto años, mi tía me invitó a formar parte de esta comunidad y aquí sigo, hasta que Dios y el Universo me lo permitan.

Once again thank you for being here, for reading me, for allowing each user the possibility and opportunity to pick up the pen and let our thoughts do the rest. I will never stop being thankful that four years ago, my aunt invited me to be part of this community and here I am, as long as God and the Universe allow me.

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@purrix, You have received 2.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.


Vaya susto que te has llevado y todo eso es lo que hace que tomes las cosas con más calma, la prisa no trae nada bueno.
Hermosos los lugares que deseas visitar y sin duda nuestro propio país lo tiene todo. Muchísimo éxito en el reto. Un abrazote @purrix

What a scare you have had and all that is what makes you take things more calmly, the rush does not bring anything good.
Beautiful places you want to visit and without a doubt our own country has it all. Very successful in the challenge. A hug @purrix


I'm sorry that you've had such a rough time. My prayer is that things continue to improve for you.

Margarita Island sounds and looks like a lovely slice of paradise. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!


Maybe it was necessary for me to hit rock bottom and realize that being so structured is not good. I need to be more flexible.

Yes, Margarita is a little piece of heaven on earth, she is charming, warm and with sunsets to fall in love with.

Thanks for your kind support 🌼✨


I am happy for you that you are feeling better. Yes @purrix we need to be strong in all cost for our family especially for our children. We should not let problems make us down but instead took it to make us strong. Hopefully you can travel Margarita Island again soon.


Aww what a cutie, thank you!

It's true, for our kids, anything.

Yes, I hope I can go soon because I haven't gone for a while now and I'm missing it.


You sure have had a rough stretch putting far more stress than you're not able to manage. It sometimes has to take us to hit rock bottom to finally see the light, My prayers that you would not havee to go through similar circumstances again.


You sure have had a rough stretch putting far more stress than you're not able to manage. It sometimes has to take us to hit rock bottom to finally see the light, My prayers that you would not havee to go through similar circumstances again.

Thank you for your beautiful words that I know come from the heart. Yes, I had to hit rock bottom to finally understand that it is not worth adding stress to my life, that I must stop being so self demanding, because it was also a very horrible moment.💛✨💛


Deseo que continúes tranquila, recuperando el manejo de las emociones. Eres un ser excepcional, así que debes seguir lo que dicta tu corazón. Es bueno que busques oxigenarte, relajar y estar confiada en que todo va a estar bien. Te envió un fuerte abrazo!

@tipu curate 6


Hola amigo bello! Gracias por tus palabras tan bonitas que sé que salen de tu corazón. Hay momentos que las cosas se ponen difíciles y simplemente el verme tan llena de deudas, me puso muy mal.

Si, ya estoy retomando contacto con mis amigos y nos hemos visto y compartido. Es tan bonito saber que la gente nos quiere, sabes?

Te abrazo con cariño. Gracias por existir 💛🌼💛
