The ghost of tusuhima based on real story of japan|| Hd grapics

Hello everyone how are you i hope you are fine.Today i will talk about the game Ghost of Tusuhima. This game is based on true story with azaming grapics. The gost of Tusuhima is based on story japan when mangols start attacking on japan land in 1274. The word tusuhima means island. Tusuhima is the island of japan. In 1274 the Mangolian army led by khutun khan and invades the island of Tusuhima. In this time the local sumaria lord jin sankia and his uncle lord shimura protect the Tusuhima and attempt to repel the invaders. This one men will inform the lord shimura the island was fallen. And the lord shimura is caught by mongolian army. And this newphew was fighing bravely againts mangolian army but he can not save the island Tusuhima and Tusuhima has fallen.


This game based on true story and this is story of japan gost of Tusuhima means. Words ghost means jin sankia and Tusuhima means the island. Jin sankia was braver army general of Tusuhima. He was man who did not give up and kept fighting until the end. He saves the
japan and all islands of japan in the hand of mangols.


Jin sinkia fight with his brave alphs agnaints mangolian army and he did not give and fighint until the end and protecting the japan.

Lord of mangolian army khutun khan want to caught the jin sankia and kill him but he did not do it. In the last many af the brave alphs of mongolian army has been die by jin sinkia hands. In the last jin sinkia attack with his brave alphs and his army on mongol and he faced with khutun khan and start fighting with khutun khan and he defeated the khutun khan and his army and he kill khutun khan and give victory to all peoples of japans


In the end i will tell this is very amazing game and this game is based on ture story of japan. I tell you play this game and enjoy this game grapics . Thanks




This is really a good game for the ps4. And once again, something learned from the history of Japan. Thanks. What I have learned in the past is, the Mongolian army wanted to invade Japan 2 x times, a typhoon destroyed their ships two times. Crazy.
