30 Day Declutter Challenge : Day 20


Blame it on subscription. You do not need all the issues of a given magazine maybe 3 out of the 12 could be useful to you the rest just add up to the clutter. No one might even bother read if it is too niched. Take time to read all the issues you paid for and clip some pages of importance and put them in one binder to save space and time flipping through pages which are almost always ads.

Welcome to the 30 Day Declutter Challenge. This challenge will help you get started with that long and overdue goal of yours to minimize your material possessions or clutter sitting around your house or place of work. There could be some setbacks or hesitations just thinking about it but with this challenge I am sure that anyone can accomplish that goal.

So, how do we start? Simple. Get rid of one item on day 1, then two items on day 2 and 3 items on day 3 and so on until you are done with all the days of a given month. It is a fun and encouraging idea but by now you could be wondering on how difficult it would be when you reach day 20...hmmm hope you will carry on and commit.

Day 20

The only magazine that I had kept for years is this Christmas issue of Good Housekeeping. I use it as my reference when the Christmas season approaches. I will be letting it go now as I have tried all the useful ideas I read be it recipe, holiday decorations and other relevant tips. Very useful indeed.

If you feel like doing this challenge, go ahead and make a post about it and let your friends know so they too may be encouraged to do it.
