My Harvest Doodled



My Garden Doodled!

I just had to draw these cool veggies from my garden today! They're so fun to look at, all different shapes and colors.

There's a smooth, green poblano pepper in the middle, perfect for stuffing or chopping up for stir-fries. Next to it is a bright yellow bitter gourd, kind of bumpy but yummy in curries.

The purple eggplant looks like a pretty purple gem, good for dips, roasting, or even sweets! Beside it is a round, green eggplant, like a little green ball waiting to be eaten.

There's also a tall, skinny okra pod with fuzzy hair on top. It goes well in stews and gumbo. And finally, the curly green leaves at the top are from the bitter gourd plant, and they're tasty too!

Seeing all these different veggies from my garden made me want to draw them. What things inspire you to be creative? Tell me in the comments

Keep learning and exploring! Always be curious and never stop learning new things.
