
My teacher once said that the best form of learning is students centered learning. For her, she had this perception that anything you are curious about and you eventually research on, it will likely be stored in the permanent memory. I've always heard of temperaments and it's types but then I knew very little about it because all I knew was what i learnt from people, I never had the opportunity to research on temperament until a faithful day after a seminar presentation, I got a colleague's seminar work and while going through it, I realised that it was on "Temperaments"😁. I was excited. I thought that I could learn everything about temperament form the research she carried out, but he recommended a book "Why you act the way you do" whose authour is Tim Lahaye. When I started reading the book, I was literally smilling every single time I realized why my friends behaves the way they do. After reading the book, I was able to notice the perculiarity of temperaments in people I related with in my daily life and I thought to share them. They are basically four types of temperaments;

  • Sanguine
  • Choleric
  • Melancholy
  • Phlegmatic

The sanguines are outgoing, adventerous, they make friends easily, are fun to be with, they draw energy from people, that's why they're always around people. The two outstanding weakness they have are: they rearly keep friends and make permissive parents. It's almost like saying it could be unhealthy for couples to have the same temperament (sanguine). Besides I doubt you'll want to marry yourself 😂, you'll need someone who can complement your weakness.

The cholerics are rocky, have anger tendencies, they can be unemotional, they lack patience, always on the go, opinionated, they make good leaders because they have the capacity to make decision and are ready to take responsibility for their actions. They could be authoritarian and over confident. They rarely pay attention to details and are not good observer. They have a tendency of making robot children because the children will lack emotional support.

Melancholies are analyst, they pay attention to details, they are very good obsevers and are very sensitive. They have varying moods; they can be in euphoria at one time and the next time they are down in mood. They are perfectionist and will expect people to see things the same way they do. As children, they need reassurance and love and a reminder that they are unique and special. As parents, they will expect their children to be at the top, maintaining the highest standard and will take no excuse for low standards and mediocrities.

Phlegmatics are quite easy going, they are diplomatic in approach. They rarely make friends but if they eventually do, they'll keep them. They do not voluntarily take up responsibilities but can make good leaders if elected. They are quite indecisive and would readily seek the opinion of others.

The knowledge of temperaments will help you see individuals as a unique entity and you'll appreciate the replay of the characteristics you read in the book ("Why you act the way you do" by Tim Lahaye). Grap a copy for yourself so that you can understand people more and together we can make the word a peaceful place.😊✌️

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