BATTLE MAGE SECRETS_Lost Legendaries Ruleset

Battle Mage Secrets (4).png

Hello Hive

In this week's battle mage secrets, I will be adding my contribution by sharing a battle fought with the specified ruleset of the week. This week, the lost legendary ruleset was given as the theme and in the next 700-1000 words, you all will get to know my opinion about this ruleset and how I'd approach a battle that involves it. Just as I always do, the post that announces this week's theme is provided right here. Do well to go through it if you have the intention of participating in the battle mage secrets but before then, make sure to finish going through this post for more ideas in case of your own battle.

Lost Legendaries_Ruleset

I must confess that most times I confuse this ruleset to the other one known as rise of the commons. Anyway, Lost Legendary simply means that Legendary monsters are not permitted to be used in the battle. I do not know if there are people who can't identify a legendary spl monster but if such person exist, every spl card has a flame symbol on it and the colour of that symbol says where the monster belongs. That of legendary is yellowish in colour. Also, legendary monsters are kind of the most dangerous and them not being used simply means one will have to rely on other epic, rare, and common monsters. One thing I would like to point out is why are legendary summoners used in this ruleset? Take for example, the last week theme featured the little league ruleset and when playing a battle under that ruleset, summoners with mana above 4 are not allowed, why then are legendary summoners allowed in no legendary ruleset? I believe the game developers have a meaningful reason for this but if they don't, I think it should be looked into.

This Game week Strategy

For me, there is no special strategy to this ruleset other than putting up a team strong enough to face any opponent. However, since this ruleset is accompanied with other two, my strategy put the other two ruleset into due consideration.

Apart from the defending monster where I had to use a melee attack monster, other team members were chosen from the magic attack type. In what seemed to look like an early defeat on my team, the born again ruleset totally changed that initial conception and turned the game to the favor of my team.

I believe that focusing 90% of my team attack on one side led to the success achieved in the battle unlike the enemy who had monsters that attacked from different position.

Before we continue, take a moment and enjoy the battle below. You can also click the watch the battle button below for the battle in full.

The Battle

Battle Details
RulesetLost Legendaries, Reverse Speed, and Born Again
Mana Cap34
Available ElementsFire, Water, and Earth
Battling ElementsEarth Vs Water (17).gif

Watch Battle Here

Team Selection

Summoner: OBSIDIAN
Rarity/Element: Rare/Earth
Stats: +1 Magic weapon✔️


There's no big deal to why Obsidian was used. The team comprises of mostly magic monsters and to strengthen them it was necessary to use a summoner of their kind and an enhancer of the magic weapon. Obsidian did the work of giving a +1 magic damage to all magic monsters. Obsidian who belong to the class of rares did comply to the no legendary ruleset.



The big guy flesh Golem played the defending role. Deployed from the 7th level, Golem possesses the healing and void ability with three melee damage in a 10 health body which made it a suitable defend monster.



The idea is to use monsters with high health and weapon and C. Mage have both. Aside the health and weapon, Mage also has a return fire ability which give enemy's ranged monsters a portion of their own damage on target. Mage's three magic weapon made a great contribution to the battle.



One could wonder, what will happen to my team if the enemy also chooses to use mostly magic monsters. This is where the Mushroom Seer comes in. With the silence ability, lined with that of poison, the mushroom seer is able to suppress the enemy's magic weapons, at the same time have a high probability to poison its target which will result to them losing extra two health at every round of fight.



Spell caster and magic enthusiast Goblin Psychic can never make it easy for any team with its three abilities. Affliction, Tank heal, and Silence ability possessed by this monster is a major problem for opposition monsters. Not only that this monster supports the defending monster by healing portion of its damaged health, it at the same time stop it target from ever being healed which suppressing the magic damage of the enemy's magic weapon.



The Life leech-scattered shot ability monster Madcap Magus assumed the second to last position. Being a monster with a low health status, it was an easy target for the opposition opportunity ability monsters. Thanks to the born again ruleset which gave it a second chance to be able to get at least two shot before being eliminated.



Nothing makes it more easier to complete a near full lineup more than those monsters with very low mana cost. I doubt if Khmer Princess would have gotten a shot in a normal speed following ruleset but here due to the fact that low speed monsters attacked first, the princess was able to get two shots just like the Magus in front of it.

That will be all for this week. I hope you enjoyed the read. Please join me next week for another battle mage secrets challenge same place. Leave a comment on how the strategy can be better or any other of your choice.

