Bird and Paradox (fable)


Bird and Paradox

In the green forest, on a comfortable strong branch,
Sat free and smart Bird.
She sang songs about happiness and dreams,
About love and light, about the whole world.

One day Paradox sat next to Bird,
A strange and mysterious guest from afar.
He spoke words that confused many minds,
He mixed truth with lies and rumors.

Free image from Pixabay

Bird was wise and strong in her convictions,
She listened to Paradox without fear for her sanity.
Paradox asked questions with no answers -
Only endless and senseless tension of mind.

Time passed, and Paradox returned to its lands,
Leaving Bird with questions unanswered.
She sat in complete confusion, alone with bewilderment,
Shrouded in strange secrets and dubious truths.

So Bird went crazy, although no one expected it.
Now she spreads false knowledge and sows confusion,
She composes poetry and sings songs about Paradox,
About her new god, about her invisible friend.

All animals in the forest laugh at Bird,
But imperceptibly, one by one, they begin to believe her words.
Meanwhile, the election of the forest president is approaching,
And someone behind the trees is already sharpening knives,
Someone is preparing a refrigerator for fresh meat,
Someone equips carts for skins.

The original text was written by me in Russian. I haven't studied English systematically so the translation may not be ideal. The main work was done by Google Translate, I just corrected obvious absurdities, where I noticed them and where I did not confuse them with brilliant insights.
