happy kitty (visual story in 20 fotos)


Hello! Hola! Привет!

Warm Greetings to all pet lovers and especially cat-o-holics. I already a member of this community and shared my very 1st post here two weeks ago. It was a little photo-story about one funny moment in our cat's happy life. Now its time to get more acquainted with this beautiful creature.

My post is written for #OCD 'Highlighting communities challenge'.
8% earned by this post will go as beneficiary to @hive-196708, and another 8% to @hive-166168. Its a good idea to support your favourite communities this way - lets grow together!

2007 was a great year! Radiohead had produced their swan song - 'In Rainbows' LP, and we obtained a new member of our family. This poor kitty was dying at the street in late November and she have found Her New Family - i.e. us. It was a very happy encounter for all concerned.

Date: January 2007


By the time we already had an old syamese cat overseer living with us, so she had to accomodate, but it didnt became a big problem.


Our life became far, far happier than it was before. Cats can be considered as the environment harmonisers, didnt you know that?..


If you have read the 'A True Cat' essay by Terry Pratchett, then you certainly know that true cats often have more than one name, but several - each suitable for a different situation. We met our kitty when she was 2 months old and gave her the name 'Myaffa'. Subsequently, it turned out that we did not guess her Real Name right, so we gave her another name: 'White Ass'. I think the 'why' comments will be superfluous... just keep in mind that it was an affectionate name that is pronounced always with fondness!

Если вы читали книгу Терри Пратчетта про "Настоящего Кота", то вы конечно же знаете, что у настоящего кота есть не одно имя, а несколько - для разных ситуаций. Мы встретили нашу кошку когда она была возрастом 2 месяца и дали ей имя "Мяффа". Впоследствии оказалось, что мы не угадали ее Настоящего Имени, поэтому мы дали ей еще одно имя: Белая Жопа. Я думаю, комментарии "Почему" - излишни. Но просто имейте в виду, что это - ласковое имя, которое произносится с нежностью!


Here she sniffs the air, which is saturated with the smell of a delicious CHEESE! / Нюхает воздух, который насыщен запахом вкусного сыра!


Our kitty from her early childhood had her kidneys weakened / damaged (alas), therefore, according to the veterinarian's advice, since 2 y.o. we feed her with special (dry) medicinal food for sterilized adult cats. Surely it is no fun, gnawing year by year the same 'croutons' ... Therefore, the cat loves to take part in our dining process and like to stare how we consume our human food, especially when it contains meat, and often begs for a treat. And we love to treat her - in very small quantities, it is safe and does not become a problem for her health. But the cat is very bored with 'natural' food - and when our dinner includes meat or chicken, and the dishes smell strong, the cat drives crazy and begins to behave very indecently. Chicken meat is what she loves most of all. But alas, this love remains mostly "platonic" ...

Наша кошка с раннего детства имеет больные почки, поэтому согласно советам ветеринара, примерно с двух лет мы кормим ее специальной лечебной едой (сухой). Это совсем не весело, грызть год за годом "сухарики"... Поэтому кошка обожает наблюдать как мы едим нашу еду, и частенько выпрашивает себе угощение. В маленьких количествах, это безопасно и не вредит ее здоровью. Но кошка очень скучает по "натуральной" еде - когда наш обед включает мясо или курятину, и блюда сильно пахнут, кошка теряет всякий разум, и ведет себя уже очень неприлично. Больше всего она любит курятину. Но в основном, эта любовь остается "платонической"...

Cheese addiction.



Date: December 2020.

Date: February 2021.


Our ideal cat has some weaknesses, as well, and one of them is Sneezing!!! When someone sneezes next to a lying and relaxed kitty, she experiences a great displeasure and discomfort, instantly loses all her relaxation and is alarmed. And if you sneeze again, she qualifies it as a crime! And the Criminal is punished by deprivation of pleasure of contemplating or stroking the cat's body (i.e. she moves away from the source of sneezing with a greatest displeasure). I believe that in fact this is some kind of negative imprinting that she inherited from her traumatizing childhood days.

Нашей кошке присущи слабости, одна из них - Чихание! Когда рядом с лежащей и расслабленной кошкой кто-то чихает, она испытывает страшный дискомфорт, моментально теряет всю расслабленность и настораживается. А стоит чихнуть еще раз - это квалифицируется как преступление! И Преступник наказывается лишением доступа к телу (то есть она уходит куда подальше, выражая недовольство всем своим видом). Подозреваю, это негативный импринтинг, унаследованный ей с раннего детства.

Date: April 2020

Date: January 2020

Another known weakness is her pink ears! Kitty loves when her ears are being massaged. As soon as you start to crumple her ears, she softens, relaxes, begins to purr and comes in the most wonderful mood.

А другое ее слабое место - розовые ушки! Кошка обожает, когда ей массируют уши. Стоит помять ее ушки, как она размягчается, расслабляется, начинает мурлыкать и приходит в самое прекрасное настроение!


Like many other cats, she is not too fond of being transported in a bag, she is very upset everytime we have to carry her to the veterinarian, or to our countryside house in the summertime. But these 'lows' happen only few times per year.


It's hard for me to say what gives her the most fun or what she considers to be the Funniest Occurrence of her life. From my point of view, it is funny to watch transformations of some of her habits and cattitude. When a newborn child appeared in our family, she was a little less than 3 years old - not a youngster or toddler already. And I should note that the cat have reacted to our milk-sucking baby in unfriendly manner - the baby smelled strange, the cat was afraid of her and always walked keeping distance, tried not to get closer than a meter. But the times are changing, and two years later, the cat fell in love with our child (perhaps this happened when his smell changed? I don't know for sure).

Мне трудно сказать, что доставляет кошке веселье и что она считает Самым Забавным Происшествием в своей жизни. С моей точки зрения, очень смешно наблюдать за трансформацией ее вкусов. Когда в нашей семье появился новорожденный ребёнок, ей было чуть меньше трех лет - солидный возраст для кошки. И я должен отметить, что кошка отнеслась к молоко-сосущему ребенку очень настороженно, даже неприязненно - ребенок странно пахнул, кошка его боялась и всегда обходила по радиусу, старалась не приближаться ближе чем на метр. Но времена меняются... и спустя два года, кошка полюбила нашего ребенка (возможно, это произошло тогда, когда изменился его запах? я не знаю в точности).


One of the funny 'moments': the kitty is in her 'playful' mood.

Now (and all the years later) the cat tolerates any strong hug from the child (and the child often finds comfort from the cat). When some grief happens, and the child cries and suffers, the cat immediately comes into the room and settles down closer to the child, with the clear intention to calm him down. Golden cat! The most reliable, the best member of our hysterical tortured family :)))

Теперь (и все годы спустя) кошка терпит от ребенка любые крепкие объятия (а ребенок часто находит утешение от кошки). Когда случается какое-нибудь горе, и ребенок плачет и страдает, кошка сразу приходит в комнату и устраивается поближе к ребенку, с явным намерением его успокоить. Золотая кошка! Самый лучший член нашей истеричной семьи :)))


Camping. When kitty is not busy with important state affairs, she spends time at the window, watching feathered friends. (Pigeons are frequent guests on our windowsill).


Our cat is the creature of many talents. For example, she can walk on the ceiling ...


... and easily can walk vertically along the walls.


Just kidding! actually, it just the table top was put here vertically :)))


Like many other venerable cats, she loves to inspect and sit in an empty boxes. ("If it fits, me sits", as @djinn put it). Our cat is a worthy representative of "boxy cats".

Как многие почтенные кошки, она любит обследовать и обсиживать пустые коробки. Она достойный представитель "коробочных кошек".


Date: March 2020


Date: February 2021


Date: March 2021

Now, its time to part ways. I hope you enjoyed my visuals and the story. Thanks for the visit, and next time!


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 57 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


What does cleopatra here?


er...what? I dont get your question, sorry?..


I mean, she has a pose like an Egyptian queen, that's what I meant haha.


ah! OH YEAH. she's a queen :))))))

old lady. like they have currently at UK

a !BEER?


and thank you very much. it was a great compliment. I accept it!!! 😜


Very beautiful pet cat. I like the moments spent with them the most. And everything looks great in white.
