Life, what else


From the moment of birth to the last breath, the journey of life takes us through turns and countless twists— more like waves, never stilled until the river is either frozen or dried out. We experience highs and lows as we encounter emotions, mature with experiences. Sometimes it’s the climax of exhilarating joy, sometimes the opposite— drowned in despair. Thus, we shape ourselves, foster different attitudes, and learn to be resilient.

But the boldest of resilience finds it hard to withstand the uncertainty we face in life, yet we survive, and strive for more.

Uncertainty, indeed.

The most important element of life. It’s outstanding how we are shaken by the unpredictability of life’s moments— how it takes us to the height of feeling alive, on the contrary, how it can throw us into the darkest pit ever experienced. But these unforeseen aspects that shape us into who we are; often put us into challenges, make us more aware of our existence, fill life with a rich texture of certain characters. Nevertheless, we all fear embracing those unpredictable moments. Often failed, we hold onto the sinking confidence in the hope of overcoming random occurrences. And wonder, why?

Without these highs and lows life could be the same as the zoo animals. Appear before the visitors in the morning and retreat to the hideout at dusk. Repeat every day. Being alive becomes a burden. The tapestry of life is stuck within a measured cage, looking beyond this is more than a luxury that can never be attained until death frees the soul to infinity.

But do we really believe in the ebbs and flow of life with all our hearts?

If not, those moments of triumph that double the happiness aren’t meant to be ours. But humans are complicated creatures. We tend to escape falls in our lives and are eager to enjoy all the happiness. Not fair. If we aren’t ready to take on challenges, overcome obstacles, and undergo hardships, we aren’t meant to enjoy the subtle happiness of our existence. But some even don’t have an idea of the highs of life— little do we understand the meaning of relationships, and how it contributes to our very sense of happiness.

Often overlooked, acknowledging the beauty of our surroundings can take us to the peak of our satisfaction. But do we do that? Mostly unlikely. All we care about is our personal accomplishments. Thus, we forget to celebrate the essence of establishing a meaningful connection with others, with our surroundings. Thus, we forget to celebrate our potential to withstand adversity with a smile.

Thus, we forget to be compassionate, show empathy to even ourselves.

But those moments of downfall, those struggling periods shape the actual characters we possess. We get to unearth the meaning of perseverance when we confront challenges head-to-head. It strengthens the sense of determination, ignites the power of self-reflection, forces us to foster emotions of collective interests, takes us deeper inside of what we truly are, encourages us to look beyond tragedy. So, embrace life with open arms no matter what it throws us at, learn to find meaning amidst unpredictability, appreciate the moment of self-discovery. Life is beautiful, don’t complain about it.

Ⓒ mine


Every human is expected to face downfall in life including the strong ones even though it is just once
Life has its ups and downs
It is beautiful and we should not complain!


Those ups and downs make what life truly is, without them it's just a blunt chapter of existence. Embracing adversity means embracing the liveliness of being alive, and it's spectacular.
