RE: New Hive Spam Network


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Buying votes removes the proof of brain consensus. Marky was one of the few that actually cared about the quality of posts his bot voted on, and removed votes for low effort/spam posts voted by buildawhale.

I am also under no illusions that Marky is perfect, and out of the thousands of accounts blacklisted, I'm sure there were some that weren't as worthy as others. What I do know is if I were to get blacklisted, spamming obscenities and threats wouldn't be the path I would personally choose to get the matter resolved (not saying you did this, but I've seen it happen over and over). Reasonable people are more likely to be met with reason, and emotional people are more likely to be met with more emotion.


Reasonable people are more likely to be met with reason

That would be nice but that does not fly when dealing with the themarkymark berniesander duo or ether of them individually, and i am sure you already understand that. They need to be rained in before hive starts to experience the decline that went on at Steem.

The act of burning a persons Steem rather than give a refund is a really shit thing to do. Only psychopath refuses to give refunds.

And who are they to judge the quality of posts have you ever looked at beniesanders posts or sat through one of themarkymarks monologue?

No these guys must not be allowed to have anything to with black listing anyone


Whose steem got burned?


Full time geeks
I just finised editing my little rant lol
Its good to get things off your chest sometimes. I feel better already : )

It would be really helpful if they could recognize that just because they have a high level of intelligence in certain areas, it does not imply that they have any intelligence at all with regard to what is helpful to grow the popularity of any platform, or what content holds value for people, or how much of a pay out posts should receive.


FTG's steem didn't get burned. He sent it for a vote, and the vote was given, then taken away because it didn't meet the standards for buildawhale. However, the voting power he paid for couldn't be magically returned, since it was used for a post, so technically it was Marky's to burn.

I will say that the ToS of buildawhale could have been better, such as making users agree to the terms before they could ever use the bot, but the fact of the matter is those were the longstanding rules of the bot, and like it or not it's how it was applied to everyone, not just FTG.


He sent it for a vote, and the vote was given, then taken away because it didn't meet the standards for buildawhale.

First up @buildawhale does not have any standards. just explore the content of their fictional posts! look into the accounts named.
No legitimate business ever refuses to provide a refund when what has been paid for is not delivered or faulty.
I have seen multiple people say, the Steem paid was burned rather that given back.

Give me an example of a real world business that is able to refuse giving a refund?
The reason is because such practices have been deemed unethical.
Blocktrades does the same thing with delegations, that is unethical as well.
That behavior only exists in the realms of criminality and thuggery.
