Risingstar 12pk pull.. Finally posting

Hey everyone, hope all is well with you. I finally got around to doing my pack opening. I was quite pleased with how it went. No legendaries but 1 rare to each pack. So yeah I was pleased😁🥰

Before I continue tho, I have a couple contest I'd like to share just in case anyone missed them.
My weekly risingstar giveaway and bi weekly Hodgepodge splinterlands update.



Ok, so the links ☝️ are updated. Be sure not to vote on the hodgepodge.. Only comment to get in on the drawing. It's still an active giveaway even though it's past voting on.

Ok on to the pack pulls. Firstly showing my original 12pk pulls..

12pk opening 12

12pk opening 11

12pk opening 10

12pk opening 09

12pk opening 08

12pk opening 07

12pk opening 06

12pk opening 05

12pk opening 04

12pk opening 03

12pk opening 02

12pk opening

The 12pk new cards increased my stats

Fans: were 37816 now 38601
Difference 785

Skill: we're 42643 now 43558
Difference 915

Nfts: were 577 now 614

Apparently I won a card at some point that I didn't know about or made a mistake in my nft totals.. The difference was 37 not 36 as it should have been.

Ok.. Since I forget to post this last week...I went ahead and bought 1 pack to update this post. Here's the pull from that..

today's risingstar pull

Very nice indeed if I say so myself. I always like seeing the epics😁. Legendary would be great but I'm happy with what I recieved 🤗

Well...now that I've showed the world how forgetful I am🍃 I think I'll close and go find something to pack.. And probably smoke.(looks like hubby's rolling us one now😁🥰🍃)

Anyways here's some referrals if you're interested...

My Referrals

If you don't play @risingstargame, you're missing out. It's free to start. You can earn/buy Starbits, Starpro, NFTS, and more (as in add your own music, which I know nothing about. To find out check out their discord )... It's been a very steady play2earn game for me.
I absolutely love it! If you're interested check it out using my link..



I love @splinterlands also! Here you can earn/buy DEC, SPS , NFTS and more.. if you're not already playing and interested check it out.

There's not a referral link I've found. But I really like the ape mining game.. Here's the link if interested https://apemining.club/
Disclaimer.. Not financial advice just games that I play, enjoy, and have earned from.

Disclaimer.. Not financial advice just games that I play, enjoy, and have earned from.

Thanks for reading 🥰
