🌟🌟 How a star is born 🌟🌟


The following story that I am going to share is from my own authorship, it is a very short story that is the product of seeing the image that is below is the image is the inspiration.

How a star is born

This is the story of an old legend; At first it emerged as a story or a story of an old man who everyone called crazy, but over time it became a legend since it was told too many times.

The legend is about a story of an old man, who narrated how the stars were born. It was a legend that is told about outer space. The world had already progressed a lot. The legend began to emerge from the mouth of a man who, while making a trip through space, had to stop for a moment to have lunch, and at that moment the most wonderful thing that man had seen happened. And that no one had ever seen.

The old man stopped for lunch, while looking through the glass of his ship at the empty and dark space; when it suddenly happened, two huge, fast-moving objects collided with each other. The crash caused a huge cloud of smoke in the middle of the darkness, something very similar to smoke and ashes.

As the dust and smoke cleared further, a gloss began to be seen, which was noted to grow more and more every second. That was a beautiful sight to behold and the man was amazed, and he began to notice that from that shock and that disaster the stars produced, little by little the brightness grew more and began to transform into something bigger, something that seemed heavenly That was something very similar to the galaxies that have been seen by humanity in simple photographs.

That man could not believe his luck, on the one hand none of those objects collided with his ship, and on the other... he had been blessed with the opportunity to see a star born and the possible formation of a galaxy.

When I return the planet began to tell everyone what happened. Most started calling him crazy, because they did not believe in the history of man, they thought it was an invention to attract attention. But although they called him crazy, they began to repeat the story of that man and over time he became a legend.



Interesting read, I like this. Would love to read more like this, it makes you think and ponder. Thanks for sharing. πŸ˜€


It's cool that you liked it!. and thank you very much for reading it!!!
