My Thoughts in Words.



It's funny that at one point in life the most sort after minds were hunters, and people that had what it took to survive in the wild.

Long time ago the grandeur of humanity was the ability to gather food and build shelter and the most important skill was the power to make food out of animals and shelter from just anything you could place your hands on.

Everyone was pretty comfortable in caves and other weird forms of shelter untill someone in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) thought brick walls would make better shelters (and they weren't wrong), fast forward to this era where we went from underground houses to five storey buildings to skyscrapers and now we have numerous buildings with very outstanding architecture all over the world and who knows what's coming next, invincible walls or maybe a house that can be carried around like a backpack (I'm just saying😂)

The only similarity between the immense stretch in time is the ability of man to think, build, create new ways and patterns.

Civilization is more of a process than a result, as long as minds keep exploring and questioning concepts and formulas, we can not say we have arrived because our journey is not one with a destination.

Humanity has moved past the level of settling, everyday there's something new that makes life easier, there's the internet that is still metamorphosing into exquisite versions of itself and no! We're not stopping.

Buried in each and every one of us are ideas, skills and talents to invent and reinvent the world till it becomes better than our imagination.


The earth is clay and we're potters, it is whatever we make out of it. I can wait for a world that is better than my imagination, there's no need to rush because the process is what impacts our lives even more than the results.

One of the ways to get to where we should is if everyone decides they want the same thing which is a "civilized civilization".
A situation where everyone is doing what they can to the best of their ability and utilizing their potentials in diverse fields.

Not everyone should be an engineer, pilot, lawyer or any other fancy profession that sounds great to the ears, we need all hands on deck, every idea we can get, environmentalists, counselors, basically people that think.

I believe there's more we can achieve if everyone builds on their areas they're most passionate about, that way you're not struggling to feel motivated about conceiving ideas, it comes more naturally and with more enthusiasm.

I wasted alot of time doing things that I thought were cooler and honestly my efforts didn't pay off untill I started doing things I love. This is me saving you from the same mistakes I made.

At this point this message may be a cliche one but I'm telling you that it is worth it, if I have to scream this everyday I would, do the things that you're more passionate about.

Thank you for stopping by today, I hope it was worth your time ☺️

