Clandestino / Clandestine




Clandestino / Clandestine

En el patio, se reúnen los familiares a celebrar el cumpleaños de la abuela. Risas, música, algarabía, conversaciones pausadas entre gritos y cuchicheos. Ahí está él, amable, risueño, guardando las apariencias, imitando una banal conducta, cónsona con las circunstancias. Habla muy seguro de sí, con total dominio de los temas que se muestran en la mesa para ser devorados con cautela. Se ve relajado. Regala halagos y afables deseos.

Se nota interesado en la conversación de otros, interviene sin exaltarse, pero con gran entusiasmo. Sus ojos siguen a sus emisores, paciente, espera su turno de habla en busca de mantener el júbilo del momento. Ella lo contempla desde lejos, le tiene miedo. Él disimula, no quiere levantar sospechas, está envuelto en unas cuantas cervezas y ligeros bocadillos. Se levanta de la silla e intenta bailar, los demás disfrutan del acontecimiento.

Pasó una hora, quizá un poco más, en su frente, se empezaron a dibujar pequeñas venas abultadas. Parecía que ya quería acabar con la farsa, dejar de ser ese que agrada a todos y mostrarse tal cual es. La joven, de dieciséis años, lo perdió de vista y la curiosidad pudo más. Empezó a buscar a su tío con sumo disimulo. Le causa aborrecimiento lo cercano que son.

Family members gather in the patio to celebrate Grandma's birthday. Laughter, music, hubbub, paused conversations between shouts and whispers. There he is, friendly, smiling, keeping up appearances, imitating a banal behavior, consistent with the circumstances. He speaks very sure of himself, with total mastery of the topics that are shown on the table to be devoured with caution. He looks relaxed. Give compliments and kind wishes.

He is interested in the conversation of others, he intervenes without getting excited, but with great enthusiasm. His eyes follow his emitters, patiently, he waits his turn to speak in search of maintaining the joy of the moment. She watches him from afar, she is afraid of him. He dissembles, he doesn't want to arouse suspicion, he's wrapped up in a few beers and light sandwiches. He gets up from his chair and tries to dance, the others enjoy the event.

An hour passed, maybe a little more, on his forehead, small bulging veins began to appear. It seemed that he already wanted to end the farce, stop being the one that everyone likes and show himself as he is. The sixteen-year-old girl lost sight of him and curiosity got the better of her. He began to look for his uncle with great dissimulation. He loathes how close they are.



Detrás de las cortinas de la cocina, al consumirse el encanto de su personalidad, maldice con palabras ininteligibles, desea acabar con la celebración porque todo le molesta. Su corazón está exaltado, la sangre se le sube a la cabeza. Intenta beber un poco de agua para calmar su malestar, ni una mínima gota es capaz de mojarle la garganta. Por lo general, no es capaz de controlar su temperamento, pero hoy hace su más grande esfuerzo, hoy es más hipócrita que nunca.

Él quiere encajar, ser ajeno de sí. Su familia le compra su actuación. Ella tiene las huellas debajo de la ropa. Ya desea acabar con las mentiras. Por una ventana que da al patio, él mira con atención a las personas que forman su círculo, les tiene cierta aversión, a cada uno le tiene reservado un poco de esa amargura habitual que forma parte inexorable de su humanidad. “No tienen visión de futuro, han desperdiciado tantas oportunidades, solo viven del momento”-piensa. En cambio, con ella es diferente, comparte una historia prohibida.

En su mundo gutural caben él y su eco únicamente. Cree que todos deben estar a sus pies, dispuestos a besárselos cuando desee. De lo contrario, insulta, rompe cosas, se molesta. Sus palabras son su peor arma, hirientes puñales que atraviesan el sentir de cualquiera, porque sabe cómo lastimar a las personas que están a su alrededor. Tiene un Doctorado con grandes honores en este oficio.

Behind the kitchen curtains, the charm of his personality fading away, he curses unintelligibly, wanting to end the celebration because everything annoys him. His heart is pounding, the blood rushes to his head. Try to drink a little water to calm your discomfort, not even a drop is capable of wetting your throat. Usually, he is not able to control his temper, but today he tries his best, today he is more hypocritical than ever.

He wants to fit in, to be alien to himself. His family buys his performance. She has the prints under her clothes. You already want to end the lies. Through a window that overlooks the patio, he looks carefully at the people who make up his circle, he has a certain aversion to them, he has reserved for each one a bit of that usual bitterness that is an inexorable part of his humanity. "They have no vision of the future, they have wasted so many opportunities, they only live for the moment"-he thinks. Instead, with her it is different, he shares a forbidden history.

Only he and his echo fit in his guttural world. He believes that everyone should be at his feet, ready to kiss them whenever he wants. Otherwise, he insults, breaks things, gets upset. His words are his worst weapon, wounding daggers that go through anyone's feelings, because he knows how to hurt the people around him. He has a Ph.D. with high honors in this trade.



La muchacha lo veía por un pequeño agujero, “No son ni las doce y ya se le acabó el encanto”-pensó. Observó aquel esfuerzo estéril, quería enfrentarlo, entró a la cocina, al verla parada frente a él, extendió sus brazos por la cintura de ella y la haló, le apretó las nalgas. Luego, le besó el cuello y los labios. Ella estaba asqueada, empezó a forcejear. Él se apartó cuando sintió los pasos de otra persona que ingresaba a ese lugar, en su rostro se dibujó una sonrisa tenue con la que saludó a su primo.

Después de eso, se desplazó por el corredor hasta llegar a la puerta, pasos rápidos y ligeros lo pusieron en la calle. Decidió irse a su casa. Al llegar, se acostó en su cama y se quedó profundamente dormido. Cuando abrió los ojos, su esposa lo aguardaba en una mesa pequeña donde había servido la cena: panes tostados con jamón y jugo de durazno. Solo le bastaron dos segundos para que la comida estuviera en el piso, eso fue después de probar la bebida que por descuido de su compañera estaba dulce, dulce como lo detestaba, dulce como lo hacía enojar.

La esposa, atónita por la reacción, se quedó congelada por breves instantes, apenas se percató de que se fue por el sonido infernal que hizo la puerta al cerrarse con súbito arrebatamiento. “Es imposible agradarlo”- expresó. Gotas transparentes se esparcían por su rostro mientras recogía aquel desastre. Una tras otra, tenía que soportar aquellas escenas, cada vez más recurrentes. Soportaba en silencio.

Iba en su carro con un labio extendido más que el otro, el ceño fruncido y creyendo que tenía la razón. Se dirigía a la taguara de las "chicas malas" a pagar por sexo. Mientras tanto, la adolescente se fue a su vivienda, se quitó la ropa, en el espejo puede observar cómo sus caderas se han ensanchado. Finas gotas caen precipitadamente, está afligida. Es evidente que la semilla de la vida empieza a florecer.

The girl saw him through a small hole, "It's not even twelve o'clock and the charm is over"-she thought. He observed that sterile effort, he wanted to face it, he entered the kitchen, seeing her standing in front of him, he extended his arms around her waist and pulled her, he squeezed her buttocks. Then he kissed her neck and lips. She was disgusted, she started to struggle. He moved away when he felt the footsteps of another person entering that place, a faint smile appeared on his face with which he greeted his cousin.

After that, he moved down the corridor until he reached the door, quick and light steps that put him on the street. He decided to go home. Upon arrival, he lay down on his bed and fell sound asleep. When he opened his eyes, his wife was waiting for him at a small table where dinner had been served: toast with ham and peach juice. It only took him two seconds for the food to be on the floor, that was after trying the drink that due to his partner's carelessness was sweet, sweet as he hated it, sweet as it made him angry.

The wife, stunned by the reaction, froze for a few moments, barely noticing that he left because of the infernal sound the door made as it closed with a sudden rapture. "It's impossible to please him," he said. Transparent drops spread across his face as he picked up the mess. One after another, he had to endure these scenes, more and more recurring. He endured in silence.

He was in his car with one lip extended more than the other, frowning and believing he was right. He was going to the taguara of the "bad girls" to pay for sex. Meanwhile, the teenager went home, took off her clothes, in the mirror she can see how her hips have widened. Fine drops fall precipitously, she is afflicted. It is evident that the seed of life begins to flourish.

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5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then.


Hola amiga. Me dejaste gratamente impresionado. Saludos


Hola, querido amigo. Me alegra que este texto haya sido de tu agrado. Por aquí eres bienvenido. Gracias por el apoyo. Recibe un abrazo virtual. Saludos.


Me encanto, aunque el final se siente tan real y gris que es viable y tristemente la vida de algunas... Saludos.


Me complace leer tu apreciación. Gracias por leerme y dejarme tu significativo comentario. Recibe un abrazo virtual. Saludos.


Siempre que pueda y tenga la manera :) saludos.
