Empezando desde 0 con lo que mas me gusta hacer, cortando pelo. [Esp/Eng]


No es noticia nueva que para Venezuela las cosas no están nada fácil, la vida económica, trabajos y sueldos son algo complicado.
Soy graduado en la Universidad Santiago Mariño desde hace muchos años, de Ingeniero Civil y muy pocas veces he logrado encontrar trabajo sobre mi profesión.

It is not new news that for Venezuela things are not easy at all, economic life, jobs and salaries are somewhat complicated.
I have graduated from the Santiago Mariño University for many years, as a Civil Engineer and very rarely have I been able to find work in my profession.

A raíz de este tipo de situaciones, mi cuñado tiene una panadería y se ofrece a enseñarme hacer panes, dulces y todo este tipo de cosas que se encuentran en una panadería, poco a poco le fue agarrando cariño y amor a esto de ser panadero, llevo ya 4 años trabajando con mi cuñado y también a domicilio, haciendo tequeños para fiestas entre otras cosas.

As a result of this type of situation, my brother-in-law has a bakery and he offers to teach me to make bread, sweets and all this type of things that are found in a bakery, little by little he began to gain affection and love for being a baker, I have been working with my brother-in-law for 4 years and also at home, making tequeños for parties among other things.

Mi hobbie y mi estilo de vida es correr patineta desde hace mas de 10 años que vengo practicando este deporte extremo y cada vez que tengo la oportunidad de grabarme lo comparto en la comunidad de @skatehive

My hobby and my lifestyle is skateboarding for more than 10 years that I have been practicing this extreme sport and every time I have the opportunity to record myself I share it in the @skatehive community

Hace ya casi un año que nació mi primera hija y a raíz de eso me vi a forzarme mas al trabajo para comprarle las cosas necesarias a mi hija y todo para la casa, mi esposa no esta trabajando porque esta cuidando a la niña que esta muy pequeña. A raíz de todo esto que les vengo contando decido cumplir uno de mis sueños que es ser barbero.

It's been almost a year since my first daughter was born and as a result of that I forced myself to work more to buy the necessary things for my daughter and everything for the house, my wife is not working because she is taking care of the girl who is very small . As a result of all this that I have been telling you, I decide to fulfill one of my dreams, which is to be a barber.

Vi esto de manera positiva, porque aprendí hacer una de las cosas que mas añore de joven y trabajando en la panadería y cortando pelo puedo ayudar a mi familia.

I saw this in a positive way, because I learned to do one of the things that I longed for the most when I was young and by working in the bakery and cutting hair I can help my family.

No trabajo en una barbería, trabajo en las tardes después de salir de la panadería, se que poco a poco iré mejorando mi técnica de afeitar y podre ir construyendo el local en mi casa. No me quejo tengo buenos clientes que me apoyaron desde el día 1.

I don't work in a barbershop, I work in the afternoons after leaving the bakery, I know that little by little I will improve my shaving technique and I will be able to build the place in my house. I do not complain, I have good clients who supported me from day 1.

El nombre que le puse al pequeño puesto en mi casa es "Barberia 12 shop" aquí les mostrare algunas imágenes de mis clientes.

The name I gave to the little stall in my house is "Barberia 12 shop" here I will show you some images of my clients.







Disfruto mucho de esto que hago, le coloco mucho amor a cada cliente que le trabajo, y se que con esfuerzo y dedicación podre ir avanzando poco a poco. Extraño subir mi contenido patinando, pero estoy intentando ver como me grabo mientras corto pelo y hago videos de antes y después.

I really enjoy what I do, I give a lot of love to each client I work with, and I know that with effort and dedication I can move forward little by little. I miss uploading my content skating, but I'm trying to see how I record myself cutting hair and doing before and after videos.

Así no abandono esta increíble comunidad de Hive, Gracias por leerme y les cuento esto porque a pesar de las adversidades y los tiempos malos, no debemos rendirnos. Al final del camino siempre estará una luz.

So I don't abandon this incredible Hive community, thanks for reading and I'm telling you this because despite adversity and bad times, we must not give up. At the end of the road there will always be a light.

Las fotos fueron tomadas de mi teléfono redmi 10 xiaomi.


Hi @ramonsk8. It's nice to see you don't give up and always find a way to work and make ends meet. I hope life is going to be easier in Venezuela and change will come soon.

I'd like to let you know that we have a new community for this type of topics, called WorkLife, that is dedicated for this type of topics.

OCD is for topics that don't fit in any other community and should be used when you don't find a niche community for your post.

Here's a guide I put together to help you learn about how communities work and why you should use them -> Communities Explained - Newbie Guide. I also put together a list of communities, which is not complete, there are much more communities on Hive, but it will help you get started.

Once you posted your post in the right community, you can then cross post it to OCD community. Here's a guide about cross posting.

Please don't delete any post with the purpose of reposting it in another community as that can be considered abuse! Leave this post here, you'll get it right next time.


Thanks for the correction friend, it is always good to learn something new, I mean for this post I can no longer edit the publication?


You can edit it to correct spelling mistakes for example, but can't move it to another community. So leave it as it is and if you have work related topics next time you can choose the suggested community. Check it out, read the rules and join :)
