An old master and a foolish


Hey master, It’s my dream to fly in the sky. Hey master, it’s my dream to watch the whole world form the sky. Is it possible??

-The master was in a very angry-faced and was thinking. At a time he told yes, Nothing is impossible in this planet but you must work hard for your dream.

The foolish thought, May be he must work hard to see more dream. The nex time he enter in his bed room and thought highly how can it be possible that he will work hard for his dream because, without sleeping no one can have dream.


He thought and at a yime he got a solution that, may be he must think about the sky and flying. He may think about the the flying angle and should try to catch the angle alone. He, tried to think a way to catch an angle, he will catch an angle and with her wing he can fly,

-Just think how much foolish he was!! The entire and every night he wish to catch an angle. A few months later he came to the master again and asked where is the angle??
I took preparation for to catch her, even though I have to work hard.

-The master laugh loudly and told hay, foolish man, it’s not about trying to catch angle in your dream. Come out from your dream, try to make your life with hard labour. Try to make your life with most power and give your labour on science and science will give you the wrings of angle.


The foolish man get his fault and go to his work place. As a result not only one but also thousands of people can fly. Thousands of people are flying everyday.

It’s a story of houndrads years ago. It’s a story, the time before aeroplane was discovered. It’s a story of thousands dream and now we can see the world From the top of the sky.
