What am I thinking about my crypto journey


In a short sentence " It’s just started". About crypto all I think is I am still a student and what I know is nothing about crypto . It’s gonna be a long journey and that's why I am preparing myself as a traveler . I would like to move from hill to hill as I told in my last blog but no one can follow me. Because, I am not sure about the risk or comfort of my way.


What I do think about crypto is it’s a gambling. It’s a place where we all are gambler and we are playing with our luck. Luck is the most effective part on this platfor. If you are lucky then you are lucky. Otherwise, you will be turned into zero.

I know no one will come here to be zero. Even no one loves zero. But the fact is, man who will try to be hero here in a very short time will obviously be made zero with his owb hand.
It’s a cruel reality base Platfor, in which place no one will give even one taka of value of your emotion.


The value of your emotion is zero and it will make a grave for you wether you can’t control it. That's the place I am going to travel. This the platform I have started to play. I Don't have any idea about my success rate or even I couldn’t make myself successful or not. i don't know.

I just know it’s a journey and I have to run very long. I have to go, I have to walk untill I can touch the light of success.


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