It is as if the winter has come to an end......


Now the winter is over for us. In winter we seem to be getting colder. Although the people of the city do not understand the winter at such an early stage, the people of the village can understand it from the beginning of winter. People on the banks of the river seem to get a little more suffering from winter. I like winter very much. On a winter's day, eating different types of cakes in the morning and having fun by the fire or sun is a lot of fun. The winter morning sun seems to be very sweet.



Device :Itel vision 1.

Yesterday morning I went out after finishing my prayers. Then the fog seemed to surround me. Everything around Charik seemed to turn white. The winter also looked pretty. The hands and feet were getting cold. I could not go by road. At times it seemed as if it was raining heavily. Occasionally light cold air seemed to sway. The cold air in the winter morning seems to sway the mind. Walking down the street in the fog is a lot of fun.



Device :Itel vision 1.

Winter is the time to eat different types of cakes. Bahari all cakes made in winter. Which is a lot of fun to eat. Homemade cakes of various names are made with new rice. All their names again. Such as- bhapa pitha, patisapta, sara pitha, sai pitha, how many more bahari pitha. Steamed cakes are sold in the morning and in the evening on the village streets or in different streets of the city. Which everyone buys and eats while walking. I also buy and eat occasionally.

You can sleep very comfortably in winter days. As if sleeping in peace. Winter is the best in all respects. In winter, various flowers bloom. Anyway. Winter means a little wandering and eating a variety of food. I hope you like today's article. All will be well.

Thanks everyone for reading my post.


I am Md. Rasel Ahmed. I am a student. I live in Bangladesh. I am studying in the third semister of Electrical Department of Kushtia Polytechnic Institute. I like to draw and do photography and learn about any new subject.
