Our best non-verbal component, laughter




Greetings again my dear friends I hope you are all well, one of the best body expressions of the human being is his smile, that is why our best nonverbal component is laughter, laughing in addition to generate an emotional state of happiness or joy, is beneficial to our body, ie, a positive action generating positive benefits to our body in general.

This positive aspect of laughter has awakened the interest of science, deepening in knowing each of the benefits acquired by laughing frequently and naturally, this positive aspect is not only related to bring benefits to physical-emotional level, but has great impact on our ability to evolve in social coexistence, because when we laugh we are generating a prosocial connection.

When we laugh we stimulate our immune system, with which our body presents greater resistance to diseases of any kind, and likewise at the metal level, a very important fact is that laughter helps reduce heart problems, among many other benefits, such as increasing our mood, which is attacked with so much stress every day.

An innate phenomenon

It is one of the most important innate phenomena of the human being, since the smile expresses many things without the need to communicate words, laughter in our species begins to manifest itself after the first five weeks of being born, therefore, this expression is universal, and is very enjoyable when it is generated naturally, This type of phenomenon is manifested in people in different styles, have been detected so far 16 forms of laughter, depending on the particular emotional aspect of the person who generates it, reaching to detect false laughter style by the way the eyes of people are positioned when smiling.

It is also important to express that laughter can sometimes be a cause of presumption of some neurological injury problems, also caused by stress, tension, anxiety, among other aspects, i.e. the type of dysfunctional laughter, the one that is generated in an uncontrolled manner and with high intensity is what we know as the syndrome of pathological laughter, and this can sometimes turn into crying, that is, go from one extreme to the other in a matter of seconds.

A phenomenon of great interest for the study of important fields of knowledge, such as science and technology, and also because it has a great potential to contribute benefits to our organism in general, the important thing is that we enjoy laughter and make it our best tool to face any obstacle that comes our way in our existence.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.

Bibliographic Reference



I have heard many thoughts pertaining to laughter to clarify this your post has make it clear, to smile is a good thing to do, but I didn't know that it can stimulate our immune system and also promote our prosocial connection.
Nicely written.


Hello friend, thank you for taking the time to read me, the benefits that man through time has managed to know of any type of phenomenon, such as laughter, in terms of improving our physical and mental health, are impressive. That is something positive for humanity, the important thing is to be able to apply this knowledge and see the fruits in the improvement of body and mind. Greetings.


greetings @rbalzan79
Undoubtedly these actions can be very rewarding and healthy for the human being and many are unaware of them, thanks for sharing such an important publication.
