A beautiful wasp is in the kedondong garden


Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

I am back here and on this occasion I want to show you some beautiful shots of a beautiful wasp in the kedondong garden. I found the wasp enjoying the nectar in the kedondong flower. He was very relaxed sucking the nectar without paying attention to me who was photographing him.

I would be very happy if I met this wasp type insect, he is not a liar. Despite his friendly attitude, I remained wary in approaching him, firstly I was afraid he would fly away and secondly I was afraid he would react to give me an injection. The second one is more scary, just imagining it is scary, let alone feeling it, it will be much more tense.

But I was very grateful because he was very good, he didn't fly away and he didn't inject me. But I had a bit of difficulty photographing it, it sucked the nectar very quickly but looked relaxed. Absolutely magical at work.

The wasp that I met had three color variations, namely its entire body was covered in black, its head was covered in orange and brownish orange. The only thing that is brownish orange is the eyes. For more details about the appearance, let's look at it together below👇
