Discord Hack & Security

This will come with a little story, I hope you learn from my mistake and my experience. Discord hack is nothing new, lots of people have gotten hacked from discord, but how do you stay vigilant and careful?

I needed to submit an appeal but I need to be a discord member of the crypto project to have access to the appeal form, so I tried joining. I clicked the discord link and it displayed link expired, so I needed a new link. I went around twitter asking for the discord link, which is wrong move, I was desperate and needed to fill this appeal form before it was too late. I saw a random person on twitter and asked him to share the link with me, he did. Before I clicked it, I remembered that this person could be a hacker and might send a scam hacking link to me instead, so I didn’t click it. I got a burner phone that doesn’t have any of my details on it, then clicked the link with the phone.


It said invite link was expired, so I sent this person a message on twitter and told them the link was expired, they suggested I added them on discord so they can share the link with me in discord, I did and they shared it again, if said the same thing. Hours later, I decided to try it on my laptop and it went through. I got access to the discord server, it was real, the moment I joined and was about to fill my appeal form, my laptop started lagging and heating? Weird right? I don’t know how possible it is to get your device hacked by clicking and joining a discord group, I didn’t want to test it, so I left the discord group, unfollowed the stranger that sent me the link. Deleted discord and my laptop came back to normal.

I have read about numerous forms of hacking to help me understand better so I don’t fall victim. But clicking a discord link and joining a discord channel wasn’t one of them. Other hackings involved downloading the malware unknowingly into your device and giving these hackers access to your device. Well, to be safe, I deleted discord from my laptop, activated 2FA to be safe. Before clicking any discord link, cross check the link and be sure it’s correct then secure your discord by activating 2FA.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
