Over Confident Generalization

Have you ever been in a situation where people are always in your business and confidently giving you advice because they feel they got their lives figured out? Yep, I am sure we have all been there and as a matter of fact we have all done it to some one else one way or the other, consciously or unconsciously. I used to impose Hive on people, I used to be like, Hive is great, you can invest on Hive, make money with your investment by curating posts, write post get author rewards and also make money from commenting. I used to impose Hive on people because I understood the space and saw Hive as a great gem that I felt everyone needed to know and be in.
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My sentences used to be filled with generalizations and trying to imagine if everyone in the world did Hive, the social media space would be a better place for free speech and besides it’s a SocialFi which gives you the opportunity of making money while socializing. But that was from my selfish point of view, because, not everyone can do the same thing at the same time, it’s wrong to be over confident in generalizing how people will live their lives or spend their money. I onboarded a lot of people into Hive but just few of them stayed, some where disappointed because they didn’t make as much money as they expected, even though I warned not to dwell on turning Hive to a get rich quick scheme platform. It took me some time to finally realize I was the problem.

I was giving an advice to people and forcing them to do something that worked for me and something I felt would work for everyone, because I wasn’t smart enough at that time to know that I have not experienced every aspect or area of people’s lives to know what works and doesn’t work for them. Do you believe in applying the right advice at the right time and at the right place? It’s a thing, some people have realized this, some people haven’t, this is why you find something so easy but yet so hard for other people.

Look at Hive for example, some people started Hive, stayed consistent and it started working for them instantly, while some people started, didn’t understand it, or wasn’t at the right state to understand it. Left, came back few months or years later and boom! They are pros in all areas of Hive. So you see, you can’t always judge everyone based on your generalized opinions. For the fact that things are working out for you pretty well and fine doesn’t mean that you are the solution messiah to everyone’s problem where you always have the solution for everyone. It’s pretty easy to feel and think so when things are going well for you or rather when you are lucky. This is why some people who are successful automatically feel like everyone who isn’t successful like them is lazy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I would separate two important things just to clean my (and your) hands... :)
There is a big difference between giving financial advice and persuading someone to INVEST money into something... The other thing is HIVE and the possibility to EARN crypto... I know, it's investing time, but... I did a similar thing to you, showing the advantages of HIVE to a friend(s), but mostly to friends who didn't have a job, and were looking for some... So, my advice was always to try to do it... just an hour or two...

But, I know many people that were talking and advising people to go into some shitcoins with such certainty and confidence that it was scary to listen... :)

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

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i did the same thing, but some of them felt it wasnt worth their time


People see things from different angles. I have also been introducing Hive and have successfully on boarded few friends. While some have been discouraged thinking its a get rich quick scheme. Others are still trying.


had a fight with one, who i was trying to convince that Hive is the revolutionary in social media and web 3.0
