Spying On Crypto Whales To Predict A Pump Or Dump


This is just an idea, not a financial advise or a theory to predict the market. Predictions are just assumptions, they don’t guarantee an outcome.

I just came across this idea where you can confidently spy on crypto whales. For a long time I have stopped believing in technical analysis or try to figure how they work. The market moves in the way the whales and the big boys in the market want it to move. If you want to be a crypto hodler it’s cool, you can buy some coins and hold for a long time, but some times people prefer quick money and that involves trading. They could use this technique to future trade crypto or spot trade it. Which ever way, as long as they make profit, it’s cool.

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The crypto industry has tried to make most things transparent, in the sense that you can see most accounts activities through the blockchain. Learning to utilise this opportunity is key, so you have to learn how to use it and use it to your advantage.

CoinMarketCap and coingecko are two most reliable crypto info platforms. So for all your crypto info go to these platforms, they show you variety of things about a coin. They show the site, the telegram and discord channel link, their Twitter profile so you don’t go using fake accounts. But most importantly they provide the contract address of these coins.


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Go to coinmarket cap, search for any token, especially tokens built on the Ethereum blockchain. You can use any coin though, but let’s go with Ethereum based. Copy the smart contract or rather, click on the smart contract "check the arrow i indicated"and it will take you to the scan platform or the explorer site. In Ethereum it’s known as Etherscan, in Binance it’s known as BSCscan. But in this case, we are focusing on Etherscan. So I will be doing AXS, Axie infinity which is an Ethereum based token.


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On Etherscan, you can pretty much see all the information you want to see about the token. In Etherscan we need to focus on the holders, the holders can be displayed on Etherscan. Go to Holders, you will see the holders of AXS, from the highest holders to the least holders. But don’t forget we are focusing on the top holders which are the whales.

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From the observation, the top holders are exchanges and the Ronin Bridge. So let’s keep going, some holders there seem like they hold more than exchanges. So copy the smart contract address and place it on the Etherscan. That will be a little bit confusing so it’s better you take it to zapper


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This place is a different kind of platform that helps you track your wallet and helps you track another person’s wallet with their contract address. You can track your wallet and do things by connecting the platform to your wallet. But you can track and use the simulation to track the activities of the holder and see all they have in their wallet, but can’t do anything.

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So I will be using this holder with this contract address, its the third largest AXS holder.

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It has over 25 Million AXS, that’s a lot, using zapper to track their activities, you can see that they sent over 130k worth of AXS to another address. This way you can track their activities and know how their dumping or pumping to know what type of trade to execute.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
