El final equivocado [Eng-Esp]

LiteraryTitan at pixabay

The road that leads to the village of Damar was forbidden to pass, Yuri who has heard a lot about this route, said that in order to find out what the road is really about, she left her house without her parents' notice, took her flashlight and walked to the route.

The city of Damar was a confiscated area for a long time, where the people were persecuted due to their sorcery powers to torment the people of the nearby city, that day they fled the city, they all cast a curse on the land, since no one wants them in this town, anyone who set foot here would be burned by magical powers better left unseen.

Yuri knew how the calamity happens, how the sorceresses living there were forced to flee the village and the curse that they all brought to the village, but she believes that none of those things would work with her.

She was also a sorceress, the one who was destined to bring back the people of her kind who used to live in Damar, at first, she was reluctant to visit the city of Damar, but as time passes she can't help it as she keeps having nightmares over the city, where she was sent on a mission to stabilize all improper powers and called for peace to be restored to the land.

It was at night when she left, through the window of her room, without her parents noticing, she immediately reached the route, it was difficult for her to pass, but she made some enchantment, that the route now made her feel good and she made her way.

She immediately entered the city of Damar, anything she touched could bring back the memory of the incident that took place in that place, Yuri at first was terrified, she started to tremble, but something told her that the people who lived here were now floating like Spirit in the air, crying and lonely for their lands, because they have been gone for years, it was yuri destiny to restore peace to this land.

Yuri now follows the instructions, she does everything she is told and put the city in peace, destroying all the evil work that was carried out in the city and quenching all the urge for revenge, then she left the city.

In the morning, the market woman could now see a tribe that had long been forgotten in the market, carrying their baskets and selling their products in the early morning market, it was surprising to the people who knew that they were the Damar people, because the people of Damar were somehow different from other tribes.

People were afraid of them because of how they used to behave, but little did they know that the people of Damar learned their lessons and never did anything stupid again, associating with them was a difficult thing, people were still afraid of their kind and entering their town irritated anyone.

One fateful morning, a horn was heard, blowing in the air like an helicopter, the soldiers converged on the city of Damar, they rushed into their different houses and slaughtered innocent souls, the people of Damar did not want war, all they want was peace and for people to accept them as one rather the matching solders make life difficult for them.

Enough blood was spilled that morning, Yuri was moved by what happened, she saw the massacres in a trance and traveled in spirit to the town, when she got there, she took out her stick, raised it in the air and all the soldiers went blind but it was so unfortunate, they have already killed innocent souls.

Yuri walked and saw her kind being killed by soldiers from another kingdom known as Damoh, whose ancestors were Damar's brothers, she cried and wished that if she knew this was going to happen, she would not have brought the people of Damar to their land.

She sat and cried and the sound of a baby was heard, she quickly ran into the house and saw a two year old girl who was covered in a basket where the soldiers had not seen, she was the only survivor, Yuri took her and left the land, Damar returned to be abandoned and deadly.


LiteraryTitan en pixabay

El camino que conduce al pueblo de Damar estaba prohibido de pasar, Yuri quien ha escuchado mucho sobre esta ruta, dijo que para saber de qué se trata realmente el camino, salió de su casa sin que sus padres se dieran cuenta, la llevó linterna y caminó hacia la ruta.

La ciudad de Damar fue un área confiscada por mucho tiempo, donde la gente era perseguida debido a sus poderes de hechicería para atormentar a la gente de la ciudad cercana, ese día huyeron de la ciudad, todos lanzaron una maldición sobre la tierra, ya que no uno los quiere en esta ciudad, cualquiera que ponga un pie aquí sería quemado por poderes mágicos que es mejor no ser visto.

Yuri sabía cómo sucedió la calamidad, cómo las hechiceras que vivían allí se vieron obligadas a huir del pueblo y la maldición que todos trajeron al pueblo, pero cree que nada de eso funcionaría con ella.

Ella también era una hechicera, la que estaba destinada a traer de vuelta a las personas de su especie que solían vivir en Damar, al principio, se resistía a visitar la ciudad de Damar, pero a medida que pasa el tiempo no puede evitarlo. ella sigue teniendo pesadillas sobre la ciudad, donde fue enviada en una misión para estabilizar todos los poderes impropios y pidió que se restaurara la paz en la tierra.

Fue de noche cuando salió, por la ventana de su habitación, sin que sus padres se dieran cuenta, enseguida llegó a la ruta, le costaba pasar, pero hizo algún encantamiento, que la ruta ahora la hacía sentir bien y ella hizo su camino.

Inmediatamente ingresó a la ciudad de Damar, cualquier cosa que tocara podría traerle el recuerdo del incidente que ocurrió en ese lugar, Yuri al principio estaba aterrorizada, comenzó a temblar, pero algo le dijo que las personas que vivían aquí ahora estaban flotando. como Espíritu en el aire, llorando y solos por sus tierras, porque se han ido por años, era el destino de Yuri restaurar la paz en esta tierra.

Yuri ahora sigue las instrucciones, hace todo lo que le dicen y pone la ciudad en paz, destruyendo todo el mal trabajo que se realizaba en la ciudad y apagando todas las ansias de venganza, luego se fue de la ciudad.

Por la mañana, la mujer del mercado ahora podía ver a una tribu que había sido olvidada durante mucho tiempo en el mercado, cargando sus canastas y vendiendo sus productos en el mercado de la madrugada, fue una sorpresa para las personas que sabían que eran el pueblo Damar, porque la gente de Damar era de alguna manera diferente de otras tribus.

La gente les tenía miedo por cómo solían comportarse, pero no sabían que la gente de Damar aprendió sus lecciones y nunca volvió a hacer estupideces, asociarse con ellos era algo difícil, la gente todavía tenía miedo de los de su clase y entrar. su pueblo irritaba a cualquiera.

Una fatídica mañana, se escuchó una bocina, soplando en el aire como un helicóptero, los soldados convergieron en la ciudad de Damar, se precipitaron en sus diferentes casas y masacraron almas inocentes, la gente de Damar no quería guerra, todo lo que quieren es paz y que la gente los acepte como uno solo, en lugar de que las soldaduras a juego les hagan la vida difícil.

Bastante sangre se derramo esa mañana, Yuri se conmovio por lo sucedido, vio las masacres en trance y viajo en espiritu al pueblo, al llegar alli, saco su baston, lo levanto en el aire y todos los soldados se fueron ciego pero fue tan lamentable, ya han matado almas inocentes.

Yuri caminó y vio a los de su especie siendo asesinados por soldados de otro reino conocido como Damoh, cuyos ancestros eran los hermanos de Damar, lloró y deseó que si hubiera sabido que esto iba a suceder, no hubiera traído a la gente de Damar a su tierra.

Se sentó y lloró y se escuchó el sonido de un bebé, rápidamente corrió hacia la casa y vio a una niña de dos años que estaba cubierta en una canasta donde los soldados no la habían visto, ella fue la única sobreviviente, Yuri la tomó y se fue. la tierra, Damar volvió a ser abandonada y mortífera.


A perfect story of how a brotherly nation can turn against a brotherly nation.
Despite everything, there is hope. The child.
Sad that she is the last survivor, but everything happens for a reason.
As always marvelous story from you. ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so much for coming around today and for sharing your opinion on this piece.

Yuri, did her best to make the people of Damar to Live in peace but to no avail, Damar has already had enemies which can't Forgive them yet want their downfall in all costs, although they were brothers, they never want to remember such a thing like being brother's to their land rather want to destroy everything about Damar.

But marvelous things still happens, their last kind was found alive.
The survivor.



Your are welcome. It's always a pleasure reading your stories. 😊❤️
