Anime Review "Gushing Over Magical Girls": A Magical Ecchi Adventure


"Hello friends welcome to the colorful and magical world of anime! Today, I am happy to share with you my experience of watching my favorite anime. For me, anime is not just entertainment, but an emotional experience. The journey takes us on an amazing journey." Inspirational stories and characters. Each episode is an opportunity to plunge into a beautiful fantasy world and feel all the incredible emotions. Get ready to smile, laugh, and sometimes even cry, because together we will explore the infinite universe of anime. This time I will review an anime that is interesting to watch and I hope you like the review I made.

In a world full of magic and magic, an ordinary boy named Hiro accidentally meets a group of young girls with extraordinary magical powers, and is accidentally involved in a magical adventure. However, what Hiro doesn't know is that this adventure will also lead him into a series of hilarious and tense sexual situations.

Magical Girl, Fantasy, Ecchi, Comedy, Adventure


Hiro: The story's protagonist, a teenage boy, finds himself caught up in a magical adventure full of magic and chaos.

Yui: A mysterious girl and the leader of the magical girls. She has very strong magic and a sexy aura that attracts Hiro's attention.

Miyu, Aya, and Sakura: Hiro's friends, are also magical girls with their own unique personalities and sexiness.


Hiro must fight the shards that threaten the existence of the world, as well as face the temptations and awkward situations that arise from the presence of magical girls around him.

Hiro meets Yui and is drawn into the new world of magic while starting to develop a strange attraction to her.

They form a team to fight the Shard, encountering hilarious and embarrassing situations along the way.

Hiro and his friends face various challenges and dangers in the magical world, while also facing tempting and funny situations.

The relationship between Hiro and Yui deepens day by day, but temptation and chaos continue to surround them.

Hiro's team faces their strongest foe in a final, fateful battle while grappling with the temptations and embarrassing situations that arise.

Hiro must face an internal conflict between his duty as protector of the world and his desire for Yui.

With courage and the support of his friends, Hiro manages to defeat his enemies and find a balance between duty and desire.


A story full of twists and turns:
The story combines epic battles, comedic antics, and romantic suspense to provide a fun and thrilling experience for viewers. This anime has touching twists and turns and tantalizing scenes that will make the audience laugh and be fascinated throughout the journey.

As a result, the anime "Gushing Over Magical Girls" will present exciting and interesting adventures while exploring all aspects of teenage life, friendship, and love.


At first I was shocked by seeing the blush on face I thought what’s wrong with her then I saw the title 🐸 haha.




I watched about 3 chapters, but they always left the matter unfinished and ran away from the battle.

To the point that the heroines themselves questioned why this was happening.

The weird thing about the series is the total absence of a male character, and I don't say this at the level of morbidity, I mean, no people walking in the back as extras, no men in the street, I mean literally I have not seen a man in the series. Which leaves you thinking that it is a planet of pure women.

The fact is that after a while the episodes become somewhat monotonous and you lose interest in watching it.
It's like the series doesn't move forward at all, it only postpones the punishment, they run away and continue in the same thing in the next episode.




me vi como 3 capítulos, pero siempre dejaban el asunto inconcluso y huian de la batalla.

Al punto que las mismas heroinas se cuestionaban el porque pasa eso.

Lo raro de la serie es la ausencia total de un personaje masculino, y no lo digo a nivel de morbosidad, es decir, ni gente transitando atras como extras, ni hombres en la calle, osea literalmente no he visto ni un hombre en la serie. Cosa que deja pensando que es un planeta de puras mujeres.

El hecho es que al cabo de un rato los episodios e vuelven algo monotomos y pues se pierde el interes por verlo.
Pues como que la serie no avanza para nada, solo pospone el castigo, huyen y siguen en lo mismo al otro episodio.


If it weren't that it can be considered a bit of satire this anime would be all the bad of the Mahou shoujo hahaha, I like the theme that this time the mahou shoujo are the antagonists and our protagonist must defeat them and how she in the end as much as she admired them in her heart she really just wanted to make them suffer hahaha, although at times they abuse the Ecchi and it is definitely not something to see in a place where people can pass hahaha.
