A Long Term Plan for Sustaining an Income by doing what I like doing...!

I have quite an easy life doing what I do, which mainly involves dicking around not doing a lot.

The problem is, not having been born into wealth, and not yet having sufficient wealth to yield me an income which will keep me in the manner to which I have become accustomed, dicking about doing not a lot isn't sufficient to earn enough money to allow me to carry on just dicking around not doing a lot.

Then there's the fact that while I do enjoy dicking around not doing a lot, there's only so much of it I can take, I have found over my many years that doing SOMETHING constructive is a requirement to being happy, at least for me.

I'm currently doing OK financially: the blog income is holding up, there's more I can leverage there, and my new job and old job are going well enough, but I don't derive that much enjoyment from any of it.

I like doing the blog, that's easy. But I think the corporate competition has now caught up and I don't think there's that many years of a decent income left in it. Some income, but not liveable.

And I quite liked doing my last teaching course, but if that was every few weeks I know I'd get sick of it.

And I've had enough of the interviewing already, I'm basically just better than that!

So I've been having a look at other jobs I could do. TBH even if I was completely financially free (I'm not far off) I'd still want to do something useful, and worthwhile, and there's scope somewhere between those two to earn an income.

So I have to ask myself, what do I actually enjoy doing....?

Obviously LOTS of things, but in terms of things I could potentially make money out of it boils down to...

  1. Running and fitness in general - I like the whole healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, meditation thang, so maybe personal training, well-being, life-coaching is an option , possibly.
  2. Sociology - and most of all it's inequality and life chances. I'm all for encouraging people to chase their dreams, but objective barriers are a fact and I'd love to develop theories around social change and opportunities for making money. This would probably mean a PhD.
  3. I'm interested in global, national and local solutions to social problems, so working in a think tank or policy unit on any of: sustainable development, inequalities, housing, education, and especially the challenges of social care with an ageing population - self study or another Masters here...
  4. Permaculture - Mainly the plant side of things... I guess there is money in this, teaching on Permaculture Design Courses. Just working in nature for a couple of days a week, would be great!
  5. Really big scale Permaculture - We have problems with flooding in the UK, and then other climate problems elsewhere, working on solutions for this would appeal. I think I may be repeating what's in number 3.

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So I think that's three things...

  1. Intellectual/ Political - social inequalities, sus D and policy evaluation. (Seriously, i do enjoy geeking out on this stuff!)
  2. Permaaculture - working on planting for the future! (Quite a nice name)
  3. Personal/ physical/ spiritual - fitness training as a tap into mental and spiritual well-being

It's not THAT hard!!!

I think I need to start with number one, that's what suits me most, that's what I'm most set up to do, that's gonna yield me the most income.

And I've got the ulterior motive of wanting to move somewhere else in the next couple of years, maybe London, that'd be the place for that sort of thing!

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Some created permaculture hotels in old school rocket launching bases, something crazy like 15-20 floors, with solar panels, windmill and all the shite.

check this one:


Moving to London would mean a big increase in costs, but then people there might spend more. I hope you can achieve your dreams.


True a London job would require a proper salary for sure! I'd only move for something I really wanted!


Moving to London makes sense as long as the goal is to have a better life. I wish you the best!


Haha rhe question of questions. What to do that i find fun ad see as a job.

Foe me a couple of things apply. I like result and the feeling of satisfaction from it, but that can be in large and in small options. The thing about work in general is to me that you have to go or have to do even when you dont feel like it. And because of that, regardless of how much you like the topic (teaching sociology perma it doesnt even matter) it all becomes a mandatory thing.

So my way of thinking towards this would be. Make short term goals or at least something that you dont have to put all of your hours in before you feel the downside to much.

And dicking on and chillmode? Heck I could be Queen to that. Retirement bring it on..i would easily find stuff to do and yeah...those would all be small little projects


My brother lives in London, Walthamstow area and it’s not too expensive compared to other parts of the city. They have great city allotments around there, the River Lee and a lot of people with a great sense of community. Your skills could work well around there.


Yeah I know people who live around there - and around Beckenham is nice and pretty cheap too. There are a few places!


Today, if we want to live a good life and earn good money, then it will not be possible with one job at all.


In my almost daily obsession with planning on upending my life to go back to England, I'm constantly thinking what I could potentially do if I ever do go there.

It's pretty tough since all my qualifications are US-based due to my work and thus irrelevant in the UK (You can't teach without a PGCE/QTS, which I never needed outside of UK).

Combined with the fact that salaries in the UK are half or even 3 times less than in other comparably developed nations, and living expenses higher, I feel like multiple hustles are likely the only way every day schmucks like me could survive there.

I'm a musician so I can probably find students to teach but unless I'm in a disgusting city that wouldn't be sustainable. I think it's cool that you can even consider such a broad range of different income directions! I'd certainly consider that some form of financial freedom in a way, given how I'll likely have to go from a high-paying, stable job here, to being on the dole over there.


Sounds like you're better of staying put. If you have over £16K in savings you don't get any dole anyway these days!
