Fiction: Shriek (El chillido) [EN/ES]

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It's halloween and the kids were getting together to tell scary stories in one of the boys' tree house. Paul is one of them and he loved everything related to the paranormal. The night continued to run its course as the atmosphere grew more tense and spooky.

Paul, the youngest of them all, paid close attention to the stories told by each of the boys. The flashlight was passed from hand to hand; its bright light bathed the faces, reflecting in each gesture a hint of mischief.

The round of stories went on and on, and Paul, innocent of the tales told, believed each and every one. The boy began to be afraid of everything he heard, while the turn of the lantern went to Andrew, the oldest of them all.

With his thin, whitish hands he placed the light on his face, highlighting some small pimples product of puberty. The braces on his teeth shone giving him a more intimidating appearance, accompanied by a terrifying look, with those dark eyes.

He began to tell his story, "din, don, dan," he said. "It was a dark night as similar to this one, the cold chilled her hands and her body shivered. She was on her way home, in a hurry: it was late. She continued walking as she felt a presence. Yes, guys, it was an evil entity. Boo hoo...!!!", shouted Andrew, scaring the others.

The boy continued: "She didn't know what it was, but she started to hear a screech, so she ran, fast, faster; the screech followed her wherever she went. It was intimidating and it kept getting closer and closer. The girl kept running; feeling like her heart was going to burst out of her chest, and what do you think", Andrew asked the boys, who expectantly did not miss a single detail of his words.

The boys didn't know what to answer, as they were stunned by what they were hearing. Andrew enjoyed his moment and continued with his story: "the girl, scared to the limit, kept running to seek salvation from the terrible destiny announced by that incessant screeching. When at last it seemed to have silenced the sound, she stopped in front of a wooden post. She leaned against it and took a breath of air to calm her fatigue. Guess what happened", Andrew asked them again.

Paul and the boys in the ecstasy of suspense, in unison asked Andrew to continue telling the story; he rubbing his hands and moistening his throat to continue with his narration, resumed his story: "the woman was on that old pole, suddenly the light began to fail, it turned on and off as if it was short. She looked up and in a flash of light, she screamed...". At that instant, Andrew´s mother suddenly entered the tree house and they were frightened.

Andrew started to laugh out loud and then the others continued with their loud laughter, but Paul remained serious and very scared. Andrew´s mother asked them to come down from the tree house and go to sleep. The boys left one by one, and each one went home.

Paul was left alone and walked off into the darkness. Suddenly he heard a screeching sound, just like in Andrew's story. He looked everywhere, but all he could see was darkness and yellowish lights. The screeching got louder and louder; Paul started to panic and ran towards his house.

The screeching seemed to follow him and got louder and louder. Paul ran as fast as his strength would carry him; he felt his heart pounding like a runaway steed. In the solitude of the night; nothingness reigned in the darkness. The shriek followed Paul's desperate steps.

Paul felt faint and stopped for a moment to lean against a pole. He remembered Andrew's story and with some fear he looked up, nothing, nothing..., only darkness and the dim light of a bulb about to melt. The little boy ran out of the place, heading for home.

The screeching was coming much faster than before; Paul desperately hoped to reach his home, before that strange screeching reached him. At last he could see the door of his house, but the screeching was getting louder and louder.

Paul thought it was the last effort to reach his home and save himself; arriving at the entrance of the house, the boy took a false step and fell into the green meadow. The shriek became louder as a shadow rushed over him.

Paul screamed in desperation as he covered his face with his arms.... Then he felt a tongue on the side of his face and then a meow, "miaw". It was Andrew's cat that had gotten out and started chasing the boy. He burst out laughing and thought, "i´m a fool, ha ha ha ha... ¡Happy Halloween kitty!", said Paul.

Translation made with:

The end



El Chillido

Es halloween y los chicos se reunían para contar historias de terror en la casa del árbol de uno de los chicos. Pablo es uno de ellos y le encantaba todo lo relacionado con lo paranormal. La noche seguía corriendo con sus horas, mientras el ambiente se ponía más tenso y tenebroso.

Pablo, el más chico de todos, colocaba mucha atención a las historias contadas por cada uno de los chicos. La linterna era pasada de mano en mano; su luz brillante bañaba los rostros, reflejando en cada gesto un ápice de maldad y travesura.

La ronda de historias continuaba sin parar, y Pablo inocente de los cuentos narrados, se creía todos y cada uno. El chico empezó a tener miedo con todo lo que escuchaba, en tanto que el turno de la linterna era para Andrés, el mayor de todos.

Con sus delgadas y blanquecinas manos se colocaba la luz en el rostro, resaltando unos pequeños granos producto de la pubertad. Los frenos de los dientes brillaban dándole una apariencia más intimidante, acompañada de una mirada terrorífica, con aquellos ojos oscuros.

Empezaba a contar su historia, "din, don, dan", decía. "Era una noche oscura como parecida a esta, el frío helaba las manos y el cuerpo temblaba. Ella iba para su casa, muy apresurada: ya que era tarde. Continuaba caminando mientras sentía una presencia. Si, chicos, era un ente maligno. ¡¡¡Buuuuu...!!!", Gritaba Andrés haciendo espantar a los demás.

Proseguía su relato el chico: "ella no sabía que cosa era, pero empezó a escuchar un chillido, así que corrió, rápido, más rápido; el chillido la seguía a donde quiera que fuera. Era intimidante y cada vez se acercaba más y más. La chica seguía corriendo; sintiendo que el corazón se le iba a salir del pecho, y ¿qué creen?", preguntaba Andrés a los chicos, quienes expectantes no se perdían un solo detalle de sus palabras.

Los chicos no sabían que responder, pues estaban atónitos con lo escuchando. Andrés disfruta su momento y continúo con su relato: "la chica con el miedo al límite, siguió corriendo, para buscar salvación del terrible destino que le anunciaba aquel chillido incesante. Cuando por fin parecía haber callado ese sonido; ella se detuvo frente a un poste de madera. Se reclina sobre este y toma un poco de aire para calmar la fatiga. ¿Adivinen lo que sucedió?", les vuelve a interrogar Andrés.

Pablo y los chicos al éxtasis del suspenso, al unísono pedían a Andrés que siga contando la historia; él frotándose las manos y humectando la garganta para seguir con su narración, retomaba su relato: "la mujer estaba en aquel poste viejo, de repente la luz empezó a fallar, se encendía y apagaba como si estuviera en corto. Ella levantó la mirada y en un relampaguear de la luz, da un grito...". En ese instante la madre de Andrés entraba de improviso a la casita del árbol y ellos se espantan.

Andrés empezó a reír a más no poder y luego los demás proseguían con las risas sonoras, pero Pablo se queda serio y muy asustado. La madre de Andrés les pedía que ya bajaran de la casa del árbol y fueran a dormir. Los chicos salían uno por uno, y cada quien se iba a su hogar.

Pablo se quedó solo y se va caminando en medio de la oscuridad. De repente escuchaba un chillido, tal cual como en la historia de Andrés. Miraba para todos los lados, pero solo veía oscuridad y luces amarillentas. El chillido se hacía más intenso; Pablo empezó a sentir pánico y salió corriendo con dirección a su casa.

El chillido parecía seguirlo y hacerse más y más fuerte. Pablo corría tan rápido como le daban sus fuerzas; siente que su corazón palpitaba como corcel desbocado. En la soledad de la noche; la nada reinaba en la oscuridad. El chillido seguía los pasos desesperados de Pablo.

Pablo sentía desfallecer y paraba un momento, reclinándose en un poste. Recordó el cuento de Andrés y con cierto temor levantaba la mirada, nada, nada..., solo oscuridad y la luz opaca de un foco apunto de quemarse. El pequeño chico salió corriendo de ese lugar, dirigiéndose raudo hacia su casa.

El chillido se acercaba mucho más rápido que antes; Pablo desesperado esperaba llegar a su hogar, antes que aquel extraño chillido lo alcanzase. Al fin podía ver la puerta de su casa, pero el chillido se escuchaba cada vez más fuerte.

Pablo pensaba que era el último esfuerzo para llegar hasta su hogar y salvarse; llegando a la entrada de la casa; el chico daba un paso en falso y caía en el verde prado. El chillido se escuchó más fuerte, en tanto que una sombra se abalanzaba sobre él.

Pablo gritaba desesperado en el momento que se cubría el rostro con los brazos... Luego él sintió una lengua a un lado de la cara y después un maullido, "miaw". Era el gato de Andrés que se había salido y empezó a perseguir al chico. Él se echaba a reír y pensó: "¡que tonto!, ja, ja, ja... Feliz Halloween gatito", dijo.



Sources of the cover image Source 1 Source 2 Edited by Rincón Poético.

Text authored by:
Camilo Torres

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¡Thanks for you reading!




Hahaha, He was played😹, nice story.


Thanks for reading and your comment.
I wanted to add some humor to the suspense. Hehehe.
Good day.


You achieve a good level of description and powerfully convey the tense moment, @rinconpoetico7. Paul is so impressionable and is still so small that we want to protect him as we read. We are thankful that no foreign force captures him.
Thanks for heeding The Ink Well's call for fiction and for the comments to the other writers.


I am happy that it was only a cat - I did not want Paul to be frightened anymore. I do not like scary stories and do not want to be alone after hearing one.


Thanks for your comment and reading.
It was just a kitten meowing and scaring our boy. I remember we used to get together with my friends and tell horror stories, then I couldn't sleep and the noises of midnight conspired with the terror of insomnia. hahaha...
Happy day @momogrow
