The KV Broadside on Ashika Island | Call of Duty Warzone 2.0



How's the "gamer life" going for you folks? Mine hasn't been as consistent, but it surely has been broken in the past month.
Just when things are getting stale, COD and its devs come out with a broken meta or a game breaking bug. This time the story isn't any different. Just when there's a bit of peace and quiet, the devs decide to stir something up.

THE KV.png

It's actually a combination of a broken meta and a slightly broken game, one hellishly disastrous combination I'd say. Yet, I can't say that I didn't have fun while it lasted.

Just recently with the Reloaded update that little meta got nerfed. Nothing too harsh, because the shotgun is still good at closer ranges, and instead of a 2 shot it requires 3 at closer ranges, so it's still viable. And every player who can't aim for shit will still abuse the f*ck out of it, you better believe it. I however switched back to the SMGS.

This fire breathing shotgun was one of the easiest to get to Gold and then Platinum. Even though this Camo Mastery set is a fairly natural process, I however am not "grinding", but I have quite effortlessly made my way through half of the camo mastery journey months ago.

For now I'd rather not spend the extra time to grind, I'm not getting paid for it anyways, so why rush it?

The amount of damage that has been inflicted in this match speaks for itself, and shows what this meta is capable of. I have dealt more damage with better and more balanced weapons, with this shotgun even a noob can easily wipe 2 squads with one single mag, so it's nothing to boast about, but it was fun though.

Come on, who doesn't like to bulldoze through countless teams with absolutely no effort at all? If not for this thing, then I'd surely be eliminated a long time ago. At first I did equip my MP5 though, but the other shotty users gave me no choice, so I decided choose violence instead.

I had the TAG-56 hanging on my back too, but it barely got the chance to deal any damage, because almost every fight was face to face at closer ranges. Currently the ISO Hemlock is the best for longer ranges, but I'm still using the older LMGs, as I'm trying to acquire longshots on them. For now this method seems way easier than the MP farming method, and now I just have one LMG left for Platinum LMGs, so I'd say that this method is working nicely.

This game had one of the best endgames, but it was only possible because of the KV Broadside, that I must admit. Yet, I had no other choice, cause if you can't beat em, join em.

That's about it, folks. I'll be signing off from here.

Hopefully you guys will enjoy this bombastic 20 bomb. I have some more 20 bombs and nuke gameplays waiting to be uploaded, so make sure you're on the lookout for those.

Cheers & GG 🥃☮️



bohudin por cod gameplay!
Btw the winning shoutout was joss 💀


Been a while, we don't get to play as much, nor do I get the time to edit older footage. I should try and post at least one gameplay video a week, that's doable I'd say.

Btw the winning shoutout was joss

Yep, the boys pulled it off, that's what I love. I solo-ed for as long as I could, in the end I had to eliminate 7 opponents and then I got my teammates back through a quick respawn. After that all they had to do is secure the win, and they did. 🔥
