Macrophotography // Insect diversity

Hello Hivers

Hello friends, this time I will share several types of insects found in the bushes around my house, where these insects have shapes and uniqueness that are very interesting to look at, and here are some random pictures that worked I took a photo

Amata huebneri

The first animal is one of the most common types of insects found here, they belong to the moth species and are better known as tiger moths (anumata huebneri), their color is the same as that of a tiger, which is probably the reason why this animal is called that.


Next is also a species of moth, but it has a different color and shape from the previous type of moth, this type has hairs on its face, which we will itch if we come into contact with it, and unfortunately I only managed to get one picture


Turning to another type of insect, this time it comes from the fly group, which is often called a soldier fly, its green body color or body structure that looks smooth might make them soldiers in their world, and what is certain is that this type of fly is very unique, it has a body long, and beautiful eyeballs

Drosophila melanogaster

Still with the fly group, this one has an orange color and is very different from the previous type of fly, almost all parts of its body are orange and they are often found in bushes, although I have often seen them, but approaching them is not an easy thing, he very wild, unlike any other type of fly, and that's the only picture I managed to get


Next is a very interesting species of beetle, it has beautiful wings and a unique shape, I came at the right time, I almost lost it, but before it flew away, the photo was saved in the gallery of my smartphone, it was really amazing


Lastly is an insect which also has a very unique shape, the color of its eyes is really beautiful, and it looks like earrings which are often used to hypnotize, hopefully this animal can't hypnotize its enemies😅

Those are some types of insects that I can share this time, what do you think about it, thank you and see you again next time

Note; all pictures were taken with a smartphone camera and edited with lightrhoom + picsart


Wow, you captured the insects very nicely with your phone. Well done!


I think the colors of each of the insects stand out in each of the shots, my favorite is the moth. I think in your garden you have a paradise


Yes, they are indeed very interesting, but some of them are pests for plants

Thank you very much for visiting 😊🍻
