Amazing Battle and Amazing Abilities | Stun & Poison | Splinterlands Social Media Challenge



Hello everyone, Welcome to my Splinterlands Social Media Challenge post. In this post, I will talk about Poison Ability, Stun Ability, and Keep Your Distance and Fire & Regret rulesets and I will also talk about an amazing battle. I hope it will be useful for you.

In Splinterlands, almost all abilities can be very effective in battles when used with a good strategy, and some can be incredibly effective when used in certain rulesets or combined with certain abilities. In short, it is up to us to make abilities more effective in battles with our strategy. Let's examine two of these abilities.

Poison Ability

Monsters with the Poison Ability have a chance to apply poison to their target, and attacks have a 50% chance to apply poison, which does automatic damage to the target at the beginning of each round after the poison is applied.

Poison Ability can be very effective in battles and by including this ability in your lineup you can make your opponents suffer and disrupt even the strongest strategies of your opponents. Some of my favorite aspects of the Poison Ability are that it is not affected by shield, void, or armor buffs. So, it has a chance to poison all Monsters that do not have the Immunity Ability. Poison has no effect on Monsters with Immunity Ability. Also, Cleanse Ability can cleanse poison, so you may want to include Cleanse Ability in your lineup to counter Poison Ability. Poison is removed from cleansed or resurrected Monsters, but poison attacks have a chance to re-apply poison to them.

I can say that Poison Ability is one of the abilities I use the most, I especially use it a lot against powerful opponents. It is very difficult to fight against powerful teams but some abilities help me a lot in defeating them, Poison is one of them, I will talk about a battle that is one of the best examples of this below.

Stun Ability

Monsters with the Stun Ability have a chance to stun a target when they hit it and there is a 50% chance that the target will skip its next turn. And a stunned Monster cannot both use its abilities and attack. A stunned Monster will remain stunned until right before the Monster that applied the stun, takes its turn in the subsequent round. Stun also triggers Knock Out. Therefore, using the Stun Ability and the Knock Out Ability together can be very effective, which is why I love using this combo in battles.

Stun can be cleansed with Cleanse Ability, so you may want to include Cleanse Ability in your lineup to counter Stun Ability.

Let's examine what I explained above in a battle.


Battle Link

Battle Ruleset

  • Keep Your Distance: Monsters with Melee attack may not be used in battles.
  • FiveAlive: Up to Five Units can be used.
  • Fire & Regret: All Monsters have the Return Fire ability.

According to the ruleset of the battle, all monsters in this battle will have the Return Fire Ability, up to Five Units can be used, and Monsters with Melee attack may not be used. Because of the Return Fire Ability, it didn't make much sense to use Ranged Attack Monsters in this battle, so it made more sense to use Magic Attack Monsters. However, before starting the battle, when I reviewed the recent 5 battles of the opposing player, it was impossible for me to win this battle with Magic Attack Monsters because the opposing player's deck was more powerful than mine. But Stun and Poison abilities could help me win this very difficult battle, so I included them in my lineup and chose Thaddius Brood as the Summoner to reduce the health of all monsters on the opposing team by 1, and the magic attack of all magic attack monsters on the opposing team by 1.

The opposing player's strategy was really good, choosing Immortalis as the summoner and including Silence and Amplify in the lineup was really smart. And considering that Goblin Psychic also has Tank Heal Ability, the opposing player really had an amazing strategy.

After the abilities were applied;

Both monsters on the opposing team had Void Ability, so neither of them would be damaged by the magic attacks of the Monsters on my team (As long as silence is active). And although it seemed impossible for me to win this battle, that's exactly why Stun and Poison abilities were in my lineup to disrupt the opponent's strategy and win this tough battle. Of course, I needed some luck, but even the possibility of beating such a perfect strategy is exciting.

Stun and Poison abilities worked very well in this battle and my team won a very hard to win battle very easily, which is exactly why I love these abilities so much and love using them against my opponents. It was truly an amazing battle and I recommend you to watch it from the Battle Link or the video above and you can see how useful Stun and Poison abilities are in battles.

What are your thoughts on the battle and my strategy? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

Brief descriptions of the abilities I mentioned above;

  • Poison Ability : Attacks have a 50% chance to apply poison, which does automatic damage to the target at the beginning of each round after the poison is applied.
  • Stun Ability : When a Unit with Stun hits a target, there is a 50% chance that the target will skip its next turn.
  • Immunity Ability : This unit is immune to negative status effects.
  • Cleanse Ability : Removes all negative effects on the Unit in the first position on the friendly team.
  • Resurrect Ability : When a friendly Unit dies it is brought back to life with 1 Health. This ability can only trigger once per battle.
  • Knock Out Ability : Does double damage when attacking an enemy that is stunned.
  • Return Fire Ability : When hit with a Ranged attack, Units with Return Fire will return half the damage (rounded up) back to their attacker.
  • Void Ability : Reduced damage from Magic attacks by 50%.
  • Silence Ability : Reduces the Magic Attack of all enemy Units by 1.
  • Amplify Ability : Increases Magic Reflect, Return Fire, Thorns, Corrosive Ward, and Retaliate damage to all enemy units by 1.
  • Tank Heal Ability : Restores a third of max health to the Unit in the first position each round.

All Images Taken from Splintelands.

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Thank you for reading.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
