My Experiences And Tips For Beginners | Splinterlands


Hello Splinterlands Lovers, I hope everything is going well in your life.

I joined the Splinterlands in June 2018, and to be honest, when I first started the Splinterlands, I had almost no knowledge of the gameplay, so I can say that I lost most of my first battles. In fact, I was so ignorant about the gameplay that I don't even know why ranged attack monsters didn't attack when they were in the first position and some melee attack monsters didn't attack when they were in the back line. I wish I had looked at the Splinterlands documentation and tips back then, so I could have gotten a much better start. In this article, I will talk about my experiences and a few tips so that you can get a better start. I hope it will be useful to you.

Although Splinterlands may seem complicated to someone who does not know it, it is actually a not very complicated game. I can say that you will master the game over time when you play regularly, so do not worry and do not be afraid to start.

Splinterlands is a play2earn game that can be played with cards, frankly, I think it is the best. Therefore, the first thing you need to know before starting the Splinterlands is the card types and their features.


Just as every battle has a mana cost, every card has a mana cost. You can include cards in your lineup up to the mana value you are allowed in battles. Before starting the battle, you need to choose a Summoner and then you can add up to 6 monster cards to your team (As much as the mana cost of battle).


All the features of a card are visible in the picture above, and there is already a detailed explanation about the gameplay of the game. You can look at it here. I will talk about my experiences and tips below.


There are 7 units in Splinterlands: Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death, Dragon and Neutral. The Neutral unit is my favorite because you can include them in your strategy no matter which summoner you choose in battles. (Unless the ruleset of battle prevent their use).


Before starting the battle, a Summoner is chosen and Summoners are used to summon monsters.


Monsters are summoned to battle by a summoner, and they do the actual fighting.

The most important thing you should pay attention to when choosing both summoners and monsters is their abilities. If you learn the card types and their characteristics, you will find that playing is much easier.

By the way, Splinterlands is a strategy game and I think there are very few opponents that cannot be defeated with a good strategy, so I attach great importance to strategy in battles. So what do I pay attention to in order to determine a good strategy? Let's take a brief look.

To explain it better, let's start a battle, I'm clicking the BATTLE button now.

Match Begins

Before starting a battle, I always review my opponent's recent 5 battles. This gives me information about my opponent's power and the strategies they may choose in this battle, and this way I try to predict what kind of strategy my opponent will team up with in the battle. I can say that my predictions were correct most of the time, although not always.

I determine my own strategy after examining my opponent's recent 5 battles and the rules of the battle. I will not talk about the details of the battle so that the article will not be too long, but if I have to briefly mention that it was not difficult to predict that my opponent would prefer magic attack monsters, and I determined my strategy by taking the ruleset of the battle into consideration. If you have time, you can take a look at the battle here.

In short, it is very important to understand your opponent and the rules of war well to win battles.

As I said above, although it may seem complicated to play, it is actually not complicated at all. The more you play, the better you will learn how to play the game. So don't worry, just play and if you play regularly every day, I think you will master the game in a short time like a month. Feel free to ask the community anything about the game, almost everyone here will want to help you. I usually ask my questions on Splinterlands' discord server, and I also ask other players via Threads.

I recommend that you learn characteristics of cards, abilities and rulesets before starting the game, then playing will be incredibly easy, incredibly fun and exciting.

Some links that may be helpful for beginners:

Once you've learned a few things to get started, you're ready to play this awesome game and earn income.

Summoner’s Spellbook

After registering for the Splinterlands, you can play Splinterlands for free, but in order to earn SPS and points from battles, you must first purchase the Summoner's Spellbook. You can purchase the Summoner's Spellbook for just $10.

Additionally, those who purchase the Summoner's Spellbook are given 3000 ($3) Credits as a bonus reward.

Once you've purchased the Summoner's Spellbook, you're ready to fight and earn income.

So how much income can you make? or how can you increase your income?

First, let's take a look at the results of the battle above.

As you can see in the picture, there are a few factors that affect Bonus and Point Rewards. Let's examine them below.

Buy or Rent Cards

First of all, it is very important to add cards to our deck to use in battles and increase rewards. As seen in the picture above, the reward increases depending on the edition and type of cards. Frankly, I never cared about this until now and only added the cards I needed to my deck. But I can say that I give priority to those with Gold Foils in order to receive more rewards. You can buy or rent a card from the market. I generally choose to buy because I'm a Splinterlands addict and I think I'll keep playing this game forever, so I want the cards I add to my deck to be permanent. But I can say that when I first started playing the game, I usually rented the cards.

Stake SPS or Rent Staked SPS

Splintershards (SPS) is the official governance token for Splinterlands. You can find more information about SPS here.

By staking SPS, you will receive daily SPS and VOUCHER rewards, as well as extra points and SPS rewards from ranked battles. That's why staking SPS to increase your income is as important as owning cards. The more SPS you stake, the more your SPS income increases. If you wish, you can also rent staked SPS. The choice is yours. I stake all SPS I purchase or receive as rewards. By the way, I would like to say that since SPS is a cryptocurrency, its price is variable.

Join A Guild

As you can see in the picture above, my Guild bonus is 9%. I recommend joining a high level guild to increase your income. When you join a guild, you can both get rewards by participating in Brawl and increase your rewards in ranked battles. Additionally, joining a guild will enlarge your circle of friends and you will have the opportunity to meet more players.

Join Tournaments

​Participating in tournaments will make it easier for you to learn and practice, and it is also a good way to increase your income. Tournaments have an entry fee, but in some you can get the entry fee back even if you lose all the battles.

​For example, when we look at the last tournament I participated in, I paid 10 SPS as an entry fee and 223 players participated, so even if I lose all the battles, I will get 10 SPS back. If you have time, I recommend you at least join the ones where you can get your entry fee back even if you lose all the battles.

Publish Splinterlands Content on the Hive Blockchain

In my opinion, Hive is the fastest and best blockchain and all transactions are free. You can log in to Splinterlands with your Hive account, or if you're registered with Splinterlands, that means you also have a Hive account. You can earn rewards by sharing Splinterlands content on the Hive blockchain, good content is rewarded by Hive users. You can participate in weekly challenges and publish Splinterlands content, and your posts can be upvoted by Splinterlands. Not only Splinterlands but also other users will visit your article and if they like your article, they can upvote.

By the way, Rebellion general sale continues, there are advantages to buying Rebellion packs from general sale, this can be a good way to grow your deck. To purchase or get more information, you can check out the Rebellion general sales page. Click to take a look at Rebellion general sales page.

Frankly, I am addicted to both Hive and Splinterlands and I love both of them. If you have any questions you want to ask, feel free to ask, I will be happy to answer them. You can also ask questions via Threads and you will find that there are many users eager to answer you. Threads is a great place to interact and meet other players.

Would you like to join Splinterlands? Here is my reference link

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


!1UP Good work!



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