No one can stop you if you have will power and hard work


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
All praise be to Allah Almighty
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu how are you all I hope you all are very well by the grace of Allah I am also very well by your prayers and by the grace of Allah Alhamdulillah.

No one can stop you if you have will power and hard work


My thinking power my will power my hard work again one goal I have to move forward I always think I will do something good.

One thing kept running through my head that I had to do something because the people in the family I belonged to were always neglected by other people.

The people in my current family neglect me because my family is a bit weak and I am too stoned to be neglected by my loved ones.

I thought to myself I will do something I must do something yes I will as long as I have the strength I will try to work as long as I can.

I have to do hard work, I have to deny myself some sleep at night because I want to achieve success in life.


I have heard that small grains of sand are formed by small actions on the ocean floor or many big ones can be done.

So I decided that I may not be able to do much but by doing small things one day I will be able to do a lot.

I made many mistakes even in doing small jobs, worked hard and did not get paid but I never stopped doing my job.

My goal is to achieve success and I will work as hard as I need to.


Many people have said many things to me, they are saying it now and maybe they will say it in the future, but I have not stopped. No one can stop me from achieving my goals. I will keep trying until I can achieve success.

Many people wanted to destroy my will power many people said no by you you can't but I decided myself I have to move forward I have to move forward no matter what it costs I will leave with success but in the right way.

I am trying to build my will and move forward, I don't know how far I can go but I will try until I succeed.

Everyone must pray for me.

Thank you very much for spending your valuable time to read my article.

I wish you all to be well and stay healthy. I bid farewell here like today. I will certainly appear among you again with some new matter. Until then, Allah Hafez Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.

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