If you believe, do it to a person who is worthy of your faith


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
All praise be to Allah Almighty
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu how are you all I hope you all are very well by the grace of Allah I am also very well by your prayers and by the grace of Allah Alhamdulillah.

If you believe, do it to a person who is worthy of your faith


We always walk with many people and always trust some people but we forget that every person who walks with us does not wish us well and never wishes us success.

Those who live with us, our friends, relatives and relatives, all have the same mentality, but not all of them walk with the same way of thinking.



I have met some people in my life who have betrayed my trust, who have played with my trust, I have always trusted them as much as I have never trusted myself. tried

I always wanted my stars to never harm them I always wanted to do them good I always tried from my side if there was any mistake how to correct it but at the end of the day they made me understand that the result of trusting them is for me. how harmful

And so I will tell you that if you really need to believe then trust your mother or father or your closest friend who always stands by your side in danger but keep one thing in mind that close people also hurt but consider that person. Believe in the person who always stood by your side in your danger. Remove yourself from that person who was only with you during your happiness.



One thing to remember is that the people who are with you in happy times will never see you achieve anything good or successful and in times of sadness you always remember the people who helped you and helped you through your sad times. Remember those people always wish the best for you.

Trust only that person who will never play with your trust, trust that person who is worthy of your trust.

There are things that happen in our life that we never hope for, there are times in our life when we are standing on the very edge of success when our loved ones betray us.

When you have time, question your conscience and move your life forward in the right way.

I don't know exactly how much I have been able to understand, but I have always tried to explain as much as I could.

I wish everyone to be well and stay healthy. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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The scenery is extraordinary especially the sunset is very colorful like that and I really like it.
