Celebrating Small Wins and Overcoming Self-Underestimation


I don’t know, but I sometimes feel like I’m not making it big in my field even when I’m making progress. Now, this type of feeling makes me ponder. Do I have unrealistic expectations? comparing myself to the top guys? Or I’m just feeling unfulfilled with my current state?

This has always been how I feel about myself ever since I started taking responsibility for every one of my actions.

I know for sure that many of us one way or the other are guilty of this and looking at others' success and comparing it to ours even when we don’t want to. But we just do it because we are humans. Some of us compare ourselves to others who own the latest cars and houses and wonder why we don’t own these despite working even harder.

For myself, I don’t care about not owning cars for now but I’m hungrily in need of a house. This is why I sometimes wish I own this and that type of house.

One other thing I get worried about is how I still haven’t landed my first programming job. This right here bothers me the most. I have loved programming for ages, Learned the basics, and built outstanding stuff with nextjs and tailwind CSS. You can check out my portfolio here http://realrufans.vercel.app All these put together are way more than what those who are getting paid in the programming world haven’t done. But then, I know that success is a journey, not a destination so, I have got to walk through it.

I’m still glad I haven’t relented because I know for sure that small steps lead to big accomplishments over time. This is what keeps me moving regardless. Every step you take, no matter how small is a step closer to where you want to be. This is what I have always heard right time. Also, even if the steps doesn’t turn out the way one wants it to be, bouncing back from a failed plan is the greatest way to making it big the next time.

Another thing I have always been reminded of is “Celebrating my small wins for it counts too” This is why I’m glad I have set up my portfolio well for any recruiter to see my works and contact info. I have also set up my LinkedIn account for possible reach. You can also check me out here https://www.linkedin.com/in/solomon-emetonjo these are my small wins and I’m celebrating them.

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This is a reminder that I’m still open to any sort of front-end development project. My stacks are reactjs, nextjs, and tailwindcss. I am just starting to learn typescript.

Thanks for reading and I’d be glad if any offer comes my way through you 😄
