Leofinance On IOS - My Observation And Recommendation


@leofinance never seize to amaze me on how productive their whole members are. Some weeks back, their android app was released. I didn’t use the app not because I don’t have the device to run it but because I was specially waiting for their iOS version. I read a few review post and they all talked good about the app which increased my longing for their iOS version. Guess what guys?, Leofinance iOS app is finally here

Here’s my first impression on the app

Amazing features

I was wowed by how beautiful it looked immediately after launching the app on my device for the first time. It got an attractive user interface.

  • Theme

The first feature I tried out was the theme. I played around with the colors and I love everything about it.





  • Voting Slider

I’m not gonna lie here! This is the most beautiful thing I had found today.


  • User friendly
  • Beautiful
  • Animation
    I love the animation on the app. From how the images load to how the slider moves, and how the search bar shifts, looks pretty amazing.

features needed

  • It’d be nice if the details of upvotes on a post are fully displayed.

This is a screenshot from leofinance web detailing that the numbers on the screen are the amount of Leo gifted as an upvote on the post.

This is a screenshot from the iOS version with a missing detail explaining what those values are.


On the iOS version, I believe there are still enough space to add the values. Maybe adding it the way it’s on on the web version or adding “Leo” after the value would be okay. Check the image below for an example.


  • Full details for post payout is missing

This is how web version displayed it.


A lot of details missing on the iOS version. For example, the breakdown for the payout.


  • SwipeDownToRefresh on profile page is needed.

After I made a post, I waited to see if my post would appear automatically but it didn’t. I checked hiveBlog and the post was published already then I tried refreshing but It didn’t refresh. I ended up navigating to a new screen then back to profile before it showed.


Possible issues?

  • Displaying the list of following or followers for an account doesn’t work for me. I have tried refreshing the page, reopening the app, and navigating out and changing the themes but it still didn’t work.


But I noticed that it does try display the list but disappears after a second.


  • Beautiful UI
  • User friendly
  • Responsive
  • A few Fix and features Needed

Overall, I love the app already. I can’t wait to see the final version.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
