A Little Bit Of Flavor Won't Hurt || STB#65

Do you enjoy coffee more when you are the one who makes it, or when it is made for you by someone else?


Coffee is a beverage that has become part of my daily routine and as much as I love preparing it, the fact remains that I can be somehow bored or grow tired of having the same flavor exactly the way it is.

I for one sometimes like a little bit of change or spice to make me keep craving that particular thing. Take, for instance, rice is a common food that is generally consumed. I know from personal experience that if I prepare rice in a particular way constantly, I will grow tired of eating it.

The same goes for coffee, the fact remains that I love taking my coffee black but once in a while I add milk but then as time goes by my taste buds would want more.

Though I love having coffee daily as it is part of my routine the truth is that I don't always prepare it myself which is why I sometimes get my daily cup of coffee from coffee stalls around me even when I travel to new places, I would ensure I ask around for a coffee shop around so I could also go there for my daily cup of coffee.


The truth is that I don't have a preference only that I prefer taking my coffee black and I wouldn't say that I have the best or perfect brewing method which is why I also love to allow others to make coffee for me and in turn learn new ways of preparing my coffee.

I once visited a friend who is also a coffee lover like me and that day she served me coffee and the taste was heavenly. I asked her what she added to give this unique taste and she told me added some milk and some vanilla extract. I told her that I would also try it out when I got back home. I was glad I was able to learn something new and this is one thing I always look out for because I never want to get tired of drinking coffee.


So my answer to the prompt is that sometimes I enjoy it I prepare coffee made by others. I don't know if it's because I am already used to my method of preparation and always want to try out new methods.

As much as I love preparing my coffee, I wouldn't go against letting others prepare my coffee. Besides how will I be able to enjoy the taste of different kinds of coffee flavors if I am to stick to only my method of preparing coffee?

Thank you for reading.

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What an amazing write-up, thanks for sharing this with us.

Taking coffee in different ways, be it with milk, sugar, etc is cool and amazing.


Being open minded has led to so many of my favorite discoveries, so I can understand your perspective on this! Sometimes you have the best experiences just going with the flow :) Thanks for sharing ☕️


I am glad you agree on this. Thank you for your time here and your support


Although it's better to make our own coffee. We can't deny the fact that it's easier and more convenient to grab a coffee from a coffee shop and they are tastier hehe.. But if I have a coffee maker at home similar to those in coffee shops, I guess I don't need to buy coffee outside anymore hehe. I also wish to learn how baristas do...


Yes, getting coffee from a coffee shop is sometimes convenient. I also wish to learn more ways to enjoy my coffee.

Thank you for stopping by


I'm like you - I love preparing my own, but also enjoy having others prepare it, because it's a great way to explore new techniques and flavours. The one thing I really like about doing it myself though is the other senses that get involved. The smell of the beans being ground, the feel of tamping it down and then the sound of the machine (it makes my mouth water!!) E x


The way you are describing this is even making my mouth water. These are the feelings I get to enjoy when I make my coffee.

Thank you for reading.


I think most people enjoys beverages made by others because they have tasted theirs a thousand times and it’s always the same.
I am yet to try coffee and I know I would want to try it from a barista or someone else.

